MM doing SIGNIFICANTLY less damage in 11.0.5


The Dark Ranger rework was great in terms of visuals, playstyle and clearing up an annoying keybind, I love it! …but damage seems to be much lower than in 11.0.2 for me

What changed:

  • Rapid fire deals 20% less damage
  • Aimed shot deals 20% less damage (lost the 20% buff talent to aimed/rf)
  • Wailing arrow deals 10-15% or so less damage (lost the buff to all shadow damage talent)
  • Lost the big black arrow dot and the withering fire damage proc
  • The new Black Arrow does more damage than the old Kill shot, yes, but not enough to offset the other changes
  • The new Murder of Crows/Bleak Arrows/Shadow Surge/Black arrow DoT are more or less cosmetic/flavor/fantasy abilities and do very little damage

The rework is great, please balance damage now!

Thank you


Man, the legendary Jackal of Stormwind, Johnny-on-the-right-side-of-history, baybie!

There is a leapfrogging to consider. First off, KShot now completely bypasses armor via Shadow dmg. Second off, AShot, RFire, and KShot did only PHYSICAL damage, which is RESISTED by armor. Our autoshots, and AMoC, now bypass armor. Both PvE and PvP targets have armor. If you’ve been prioritizing the CORRECT secondaries, it shouldn’t be a problem. Since Barrow scales off attack power, obviously Versatility is out of the question particularly for ST and for PvP.

This is doubling down on PENETRATION, which I called it first before anyone else, and everyone else who said anything EXCEPT Crit and Msty as priorities were wrong. So now you have no choice but to stack Crit up the wazoo to be optimal. This is not the first time this had happened and it sure brings me back to last year.

Before all get ghosted out there in the field, I would gently suggest gearing the hero class/spec correctly before asking for tuning and balancing. I can see that the devs blatantly ignored builds preferential to Haste and Vers, that they wrote those players off as asininely suboptimal.


fixing this would go a long way


The literate knows this as a DEBUFF, not a nerf. Going from 20% to 0% ≠= 0% to -20%. The vanilla damage is still on point across the board not respective to hero class. But now we have something MORE that will just bypass all armor anyway. That’s already a better deal.

we speaking about the main DMG skills of MM

is the same if u did 1000 dmg now u are doing 800 ,

the starting point could be 300% to 280% that the “nerf” is still 20% dmg for those skills.


you’re talking to a brick wall I’m afraid. Just ignore them or they will continue to descend further into delusion


Yes, I know. Generic MM abilities not exclusive to DKRs, the same that Sents can do.

Let me guess, Sent MM was nerfed the whole time even before the hero specific change? Because Sents didn’t get the free 20% Ashot+RFire damage.

For choosing a specific hero class, which are not supposed to eclipse class/specs.

That’s less than a 10% nerf in proportionality, but I know what you mean. But you need to look at the new Barrow damage. You’re crying about something that armor values diminishes.

Already this seems to reek of borrowed power, because I thought those days were over. Because this is quite big.

Funny, I don’t remember interrupting a college student’s late night time, when he should either be doing homework or be asleep. I wonder how he found his way here.

Go to bed, kiddo. Good thing I have a smartphone at my job to be that father figure.

All in all, the only thing I see is this just making Barrow and the Deathblow systems more preeminent, along with Pen Shots.

If you don’t want to play an anti-armor class, go for Warrior or Monk as they would still be purer physical damage dealers. I’m sorry that no pure physical-only RDPS isn’t an option yet. Sorry! Should have gotten Tinkers…

MM does seem a bit nerfed single target and a wash or slightly buffed for multi target. Tested a lot vs the dummies Monday night and yesterday. Kind of disappointing tbh. I don’t see how all those changes had this result. :-/

Edit - this is with sentinel mind you.

Everyone is ignoring me on the forums? Fine. I’ll just make some alts and talk to myself.


Imagine being so bitter to project such a thing on others who never had that problem.

I believe the damage is a bit lower because the interactions between our Hero talents and our skills are massively bugged at the moment.

A lot of damage is off the table because quite frankly, they are not working, so i’ve read on a post on wowhead regarding the Dark Ranger Changes.

Hopefully they fix the bugs and we see some positive damage boosts.


Link to this?

I’m so glad we have such a thing that’s called a Pee-Tee-Arr.

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uhhh? WHAT? this doesnt match to my experience in game, MM is super OP with black arrow as well as BM

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Singlet target for me after playing a bit down about 10-15 % ish aoe about same. On my sentinel build. I have not done instance testing with dark ranger.


BuT ashOt aNd RfIrE wAs nERfed bY tWeNTy pERceNt.

I bumped my crit to 40 percent and regemmed everything. Got back to where I was on ST. Time will tell! Alas… You have so much haste focused aim might work better for you? Icy wants us to switch to DR for single >_<

I cant get anything good to drop to get rid of haste :cry:

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It’s not bad but does make me wonder now with the changes if haste is as high of a priority now for MM. Might be nice if mastery was a good MM stack. It was in the Nzoth era.

I think we still want to stack crit mastery as sentinel ,but on other hand if i do dark ranger build haste, crit mastery. I have not tried to play with dark ranger build, guild wanted to do high end keys and i was feeling bit uneasy to play untested build and mess up runs.

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