Mixed feelings on solo shuffle

On the one hand solo shuffle as a brawl is really fun, it’s great to be able to avoid wasting playtime looking for groups, and I think raw skill will really shine.

On the other hand, casters are going to be at a huge disadvantage, and specifically my two favorite specs - ele and spriest, will likely still be the kill target without coordinated peels. I am worried most of my matches will be getting locked down by melee zugs. It feels bad to know you’re getting a format you want, but you’re going to be far away from the meta.

I feel like at the very least, rogues need huge nerfs, and I’m glad to see the incoming changes to CC so that they aren’t so oppressive on their own. I’m hoping that DK and Fury warriors will also get nerfs to rebalance the game so that casters other than warlock can have some survivability.

That’s the problem advocates don’t acknowledge. Over time Blizz will see this casual bracket is more popular and classes will have to become homogenized and dumbed down further to make it more fair which hurts regular 3v3


after that solo shuffle tourney all the mages r complaining about how their class is unplayable.

it would be funny if they giga buffed mages and then all u see in AWC is rogue mage.

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Wouldn’t doomsay just yet, I think Blizzard is owning right now with it’s support of the feature and preemptively adding things to support range and give ppl breathing room.

They did hire 100+ devs from spellbreak for a reason and their communication has been the best it’s been in a decade.

Excited to see what they have in store without the mess/distractions their systems were in previous expacs


Not having borrowed power in DF is already a huge bonus in a lot of peoples’ books. If they can somehow get their tunings in line from the appropriate feedback, I can see Solo Q thriving just from a decently balanced PvP platform.


i think its great that this game is finally somewhat getting features it should have had 15 years ago.


come join the mongo ape club, nas

i used to hate solo que whiners begging for braindead soloque, but the game is so dead i guess ill take it since it’s literally impossible to find teams to que with now :full_moon_with_face:

Maybe precognition will help wizards in solo


whats so braindead about it?

and whats big brain? getting on discord and counting down 3 …2…1…?


This made me ugly laugh

Some classes are just going to be better than others in this game mode. I really hate to say it but pvp in wow is so dead. It gets barely any changes in the almost 20 years this game has existed. Blizz just needs to make creative pvp game modes and think outside the box. Shake it up and give it some excitement. Just stagnating on the alter of balance when its never been balanced.

IMO the formatting is currently the biggest problem. Tank shuffle is too different from healer shuffle, and dps players don’t get a choice to avoid one or the other. Having two separate pseudobrackets where prot paladins and then all of the other tanks get to wintrade against each other outside of the main meta for rating and rewards is pretty obviously broken to me.

Its not hes just trying to be edgy

game will get even further pushed into highest damage wins, best gear/spec tuning wins with solo que

which is fine if u want that i just dont rly. But it’s w/e i accepted my fate already, i know most people like solo que

I think some casters will shine. I mean ultimately you’re right in that melee are simpler to play in that format esp at lower ratings but once you climb and play with people who know what’s up, it should only get better.

I mean like a 1400 mage in voice with other 1400 player is still 1400. If that makes sense. I feel like casters will be bullied just as much as they already are. Which is fine.

What do you think about ele vs spriest, I know tuning and all of that, but do you think either of those specs will be strong in shuffle?

zug zug

I’d wager spriest will be better in solo play. Their cc is easier to get off being instant, they have more of it, and have more defensives including one that can be used while stunned.

Both are strong specs but for solo shuffle I’d put my money on priest.

rated solo shuffle will utterly dominate rated participation

barely anyone will care about 2s and 3s anymore

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