I can think of various reasons.

  • Blizz might want to have MW being a hybrid spec.
  • There are people who enjoy either of both sides more than the other but there are also people who enjoy actually being a hybrid in between. With both in one spec all could be satisfied - if the trees were better
  • Similarity: The specs could be too similar with sharing almost the same base kit or
  • Lacking: Either spec could be missing spells if only one of both gets to keep them.

Being similar or being very different… This is something that’s very depending on every individuals sight. Some say FW is unique, others see it similar to other heals. One sees MW as unique, others see it as the same like others.
It’s like people would have a discussion about whether different tones of the color red are similar or completely different from each other.
You can’t satisfy everyones wishes. Having both possibilities in one spec isn’t bad. But as I mentioned before - there need to be some changes done in both trees (class and spec) and all playstyles should have their place.

Actually both are closely bound to nature. The lore mentions monks don’t use totems, though^^ (well, they actually do a little with those statues)

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It’s because they are too lazy, MW players are few and far between and the people who are maining it have this constant split in playstyles. Blizzard don’t bother addressing it, instead they add fuel to the fire by not listening to feedback


Mistweaving is the true way of the true Mistweaver. That is what we do, we weave the mists.

Idk if anyone mentioned this before but casting soothing mist while moving would be the biggest QoL improvements for casters.


Back in legion we could with a talent … I don’t know why we lost it? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I think it’s good that we have the choice between Fistweaver or Mistweaver!
Personally I prefer Mistweaver but I can understand why someone would prefer Fistweaver mechanic instead.

I do however wish that Mistweaver wasn’t such a dps lose compare to Fistweaver! Maybe make it so that the target of our soothing mist melee attack would automatically apply Mystic Touch and the target of our soothing mist would get his damage increase by an extra 5%!
That way it would compensate a bit for the dps lost from going Mistweaver.

They either need to stop dedicating half of the tree to fist weaving, or make it smart heals. Has potential, but it’s crap currently.

As much as no one wants to hear it, shouldn’t we be compensated by going a pure healing 0dps spec with hps that reflects that? Just kinda of saying. This has been on my mind the last few weeks with this debate going on. Really if fistweaving can do the same or better hps as mistweaving then why mistweave? From a purely logical standpoint. So then why isn’t the natural condensation for that being higher utility or hps output/throughput? Like why complicate things when the easy answer is right there. Don’t take a sledge hammer to the problem, apply the idea/concept with a lot of scrutiny and observation like they have been as of late with class balance. But like why isn’t this being even brought up? I may prefer mistweaving, but I will say this is probably the best version of fistweaver there has ever been. So I am not saying scrap it or nerf it by any means but why can’t there be pros and cons to both different playstyles?

It’s perfectly serviceable, people just need to realize that mixing in casts is still necessary.

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I brought up this idea already in one of the threads once.
Giving fistweavers some better DPS and mistweavers some more HPS.

So I agree with you there.

It’s not serviceable in pvp. People die too fast and you’re putting yourself in harms way when you go offensive.

They already have the answer to that problem: corrosive dosage. I’m honestly somewhat surprised that corrosive dosage didn’t make it into the MW tree, despite being one of the most well-known and well-liked Torghast Monk powers.

Before someone comes in here and cries, “Corrosive dosage would be too strong,” if you look at it objectively, it really wouldn’t be. What made corrosive dosage strong in Torghast was the fact that:

  1. You could stack it
  2. You could stack stats that affected it
  3. You could afford to spam Viv for damage in an environment that needed very little actual healing

Take corrosive dosage out of that environment and things change:

  1. You can’t stack it, outside of it - possibly - being a 2-3 point talent
  2. You can’t really stack stats that affect it
  3. You’d have to be a lot more mindful of if/when you use Viv for damage in most environments outside of trivial open world content

Realistically, all corrosive dosage would do is add a bit of much needed passive damage to a caster-focused MW’s toolkit - at the cost of 2-3 talent points, mind you. Again: I’m really surprised that they missed this golden opportunity to address one of the most common gripes of caster-focused MW builds.

Of course, it begs the question: “What about corrosive dosage on top of FWing? Wouldn’t that be OP?” Well, that’s an easy fix: bury the corrosive dosage (multi-point) talent behind a few caster-focused talents. Make it be a costly investment - something that only caster-focused MW builds would take.


pvp can be (and is) separately balanced, so the discussion point is moot.


Last time i checked, talent trees are still active in pvp.

I wanted to see corrosive dosage in the MW tree so bad. I was actually devastated when it wasn’t. Maybe if we scream loud enough they will give it to us.


I know this is a joke, but I wish they were both equally viable. I much prefer mist weaving.

They could make two seperate trees. Fist healing and mist healing. Just like they have two healing specs for priest.

Would make things easier to balance and add uniqueness to the class.

I’ve noticed a lot of fist weavers in pvp and I’m hoping it’s not the new meta cuz I really don’t want to fist weave :unamused:

They are both viable.

It’s not. FWing just isn’t reliable enough to be meta in PVP.

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But equally?

Caster has more directed throughput and higher CD throughput because it can take Invokers and Secret Infusion where Fistweavers need to take the FLS branch.

Fistweavers do more damage, spend slightly less mana and must be in melee range to heal effectively.

Both builds also overlap more than they don’t if that makes sense. Fistweavers are probably only getting 30% of their healing from actual Fistweaving and casters still try to do damage and play in melee for sweep/kick.