Mistweaver Review

I picked up playing mistweaver a couple weeks ago and wanted to post about my experience with it. I mostly play a holy/disc priest or a holy paladin but have dipped into other healers as well.

Firstly, it’s the most fun I have had playing a spec in this game, the animations, the the class flavor, it’s just really interesting and cool. I got it to 2500 in m+ but I have to admit it was much more difficult to master than any other healer spec Ive played except for maybe evoker but that’s a good thing. It can do a lot of damage, do a lot of healing and it’s very versatile with crazy mobility.

The biggest issue I have with the class is the application of RM, it really sucks to be in the flow of your DPS rotation and then have to look at your frames every 10-20 seconds and look for who doesn’t have it or who’s is expiring soon and then cast it. Its not a huge issue but it just feels bad when compared to a disc priest who presses 1 button on radiance and then fully coats the party in atonement and goes back to DPS or a holy pally who can press 1 button beacon of faith and coat the party with beacons and go back to healing. If anyone has a good system for this please let me know.

I think it would be cool if instead of making sheilun’s gift a ST heal like they are planning via a new talent to maybe instead make it a smaller party heal but apply RM to everyone then you can follow it up with a VV and get back to DPS or pop cjiji, it would feel very fluent and cool. Maybe this can be a 10 stack thing, our single target healing is already good, I think a party RM applicator would make this class much more fluid and fun to play.

They other issue I have is the lack of brez or lust (tigers lust doesn’t count :), I don’t get invited to keys based on this alone, I feel like the flavor of the class actually would suit a brez.

One last thing is that I really enjoy touch of death in open world, really saves you a lot of time. Overall I love the class and will continue to play going forward, would definitely recommend to anyone looking to try it out.


100% agree with your comments about RM and the lack of brez/lust.

(Then again on lightsmith I sometimes forget to look at bars altogether and -need- the brez when a loh, sac or bop could have saved the day - but that’s another issue)

I feel like monk has a lot of things to track. It’s my least played healer this season so maybe that’s changed but in DF I had a bunch of Megasett’s weakauras to pay attention to different timers and procs.

I suck as healer i barelly play any healing spec, but i’ve been doing it now in TWW to get more “fresh” content since i’ve been tanking and dpsing for a long time now, honestlsy MW Monk is a lot of fun but now that i’m trying disc priest, it’s true what you’re saying, radiance is way too good it’s nice to use it and keep dpsing/healing, also a good way to keep your RM on targets is using the thunder focus tea on RSK since that also applies RM, and with tea it barelly has any cd, making it 2 RSK back to back but it’s nothing like radiance

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You don’t need to do that. RM will jump to whoever needs it, so just cast it on anyone and it’ll work it’s way around. In fact every time it jumps it can duplicate (if you have the talent) which means it’s often better to cast it on someone at 100% hp since you have a chance of getting 2 for 1.

That said… RM healing is stupid low and does almost nothing. So most MW use the Chi Harmony talent for the +50% healing for 8s. Which means you don’t want to actually cast it at all, instead you’ll cast EM to proc RM for the healing buff so you can actually cast the real healing spell (vivify, sheilun’s, etc…).

RM spam builds are mainly used for raiding, where they are stupid OP but for other reasons.

Please don’t listen to this guy.

He’s giving a lot of bad advice in this thread and also other threads.

You do not want to cast renewing mists on full health targets in order to try and min max Dancing Mist talent.

Just focus on using Renewing Mist to apply Chi Harmony effectively for bonus healing.

The primary thing you should be trying to do with Renewing Mist is apply chi Harmony to a target that needs healing so you can follow up with Vivify or increase your passive healing from ATOTM

Even though you don’t like the “whack a mole” aspect of Renewing mist — some MWers do. I like it. It’s part of what makes monk fun and different than other healers


Thanks for the tip, renewing most seems to be a mess with this class. What would you think about dropping SG entirely as I don’t really need it due to having 3 CDs and instead taking focused thunder and misty peaks to quickly spread EVs without even having to enter soom and ramp that way and just extend with RSK. So if I know aoe is incoming I could pop TFT instantly put 2 EVs out while probably already having some going then extend with a RSK then zen pulse VV. This way we would have lower downtime on first weaving? Is that crazy?

You can drop SG for focused Thunder, that’s what I play, but misty peaks isn’t worth it after they nerfed the proc rate

Also you should avoid using your thunder focus tea on EvM when possible because it’s better to gain Secret Infusion Versatility instead of Critical strike since 15% vers amounts to a lot more secondary stats than 15% crit and it also reduces the damage you take while increasing throughput. Not to mention typically the healing from empowered EvM is wasted and it’s better to reset the cooldown of your RSK instead

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Ahh love the toxicity of these forums. You literally have shown nothing but a complete and utter lack of knowledge of the class or the talents.

IF you’re not running Chi Harmony but rather Lotus Infusion, then ‘bouncing’ RMs off a full HP target isn’t a bad idea. It’s a standard raid build.

Of course it’s a bad idea if you’re running Chi Harmony, but then casting RM at all is a bad idea for Chi Harmony.

So disagreement is considered toxicity?

One of the biggest issues with MW is onboarding new people.

There’s so much unnecessary contrived advice being thrown around such as you are suggesting but it’s just silly.

It makes it harder for new players to find success and it doesn’t help like you think it does, so yes we try to normalize the playstyle lol


[quote=“Voidblaster-stormrage, post:6, topic:2036355, full:true”]What would you think about dropping SG entirely as I don’t really need it due to having 3 CDs and instead taking focused thunder and misty peaks to quickly spread EVs without even having to enter soom and ramp that way and just extend with RSK. So if I know aoe is incoming I could pop TFT instantly put 2 EVs out while probably already having some going then extend with a RSK then zen pulse VV. This way we would have lower downtime on first weaving? Is that crazy?

There’s basically 3 talent builds in use, with small changes between them based on play style.

You have the raid build which focuses around RM and vivify cleave, most of the damage comes from Jade Empowered (lightning) with Rushing Wind kick for the RM bonus, and Lotus Infusion. This is all about spreading a bajillion RMs all over a raid and then using procs to put out massive aoe healing. Soothing Mist is used for spot healing and everything else is mostly for buffs. It really only works with a lot of targets but the potential HPS is probably the highest in the game.

(youtube.com) /watch?v=bVSNSYxYW3o

LunoLarks is using a slight variation of the build here, but you get the idea. He’s running a bit over 2.5M HPS continuous over the fight, leaving the priests/shammys in the dust.

Next is the Megasett M+ build. This focuses on Master of Harmony and EM for powerful ramps. Really good for the unavoidable aoe burst damage in higher keys. The idea is to trade a bit weaker triage hps for incredibly high burst hps. RM is mostly just there for Chi Harmony procs, kicks are used for extending hots, fistweaving is there but secondary and simply filler. I’m always envious of how clean and relaxed she is in these fights.

(youtube.com) /watch?v=fAxVlveV8Hk&t=675s

The last is the fistweaving focused M+ build. Alyuraye has the ‘purest’ fistweaving build of the higher end streamers I’ve seen. Nothing special Conduit focused with lots of punching/kicking, her build is pretty boring but her execution (and that of her group) are fantastic.

(youtube.com) /watch?v=bcF7h_xpyWY&t=169s

All the other one’s I’ve seen seem to be variants of these 3. What I’ve found is that in higher keys what matters more is group synergy rather than HPS. Monk HPS is way higher than the HP pools of you and your allies, and it’s more a matter of lasting through the big unavoidable AOE blasts than it is maxing HPS. If you can accomplish that, the rest is pretty straightforward.


No, but instead of engaging and providing an argument you’ve simply chosen to denigrate others.

Like this. That’s not an argument, it’s just an Ad Hominem.

No, all you care about is your ego.

Here is an interesting macro you can try. I only use this in specific scenarios mainly when I’m feeling lazy (world content, unrated bgs, farmable raids, etc).

/cast renewing mist

This will cast renewing mist on a friendly player and retarget the enemy. Obviously this is not ideal but it will get your renewing mist out on players.

First of all, if you’re going to give advice to new players you should expect criticism and not get so upset about it.

I do provide arguments:

I can’t help it if you decide to just ignore them.

If you want me to go into further detail just ask. You don’t apply renewing mist to yourself because 8% chance to duplicate is minuscule and not to mention we’ve already established we get plenty of ReMs from Rapid Diffusion and also to use your own words:

So what benefit are you getting by getting 1 more RM on a random target? We’ve already discussed in the other thread that relying on random probabilities and procs to get Chi Harmony on a target that needs healing is not good enough.

You need deterministic ways to ensure your party lives, so hard casting Renewing Mist onto an injured member so that you can get a boosted Vivify or increase the healing done by ATOTM is straight forward

Moreover we should be telling the new players that you don’t need to be using Renewing Mist on cooldown but really just for the healing amplification through chi Harmony prior to using your big heals or to prepare for vivify cleave

If you’re really trying to min max Dancing Mist then you want to cast renewing mist on a target that will be healed to full in the next few seconds not on a full health target. This is because casting Renewing Mist will trigger our mastery proc and you don’t want that to overheal either. It’s most efficient if you heal a slightly injured target and then quickly top them off as a method of triggering Dancing Mist rather than healing a full health target with ReM

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Seconding this.

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And yet you are the one slinging insults, this sounds like projection to me.

Says the guy who ignores the fact that 90% > 50% in every single argument? Oh the irony.

And here you’re intentionally conflating two different builds.

Either you’re going RM/raid where you don’t get Chi Harmony, but instead Lotus Infusion, where spreading RMs IS the point of the build and the small bonus from mastery is nice but not the point.

Or you’re going with an M+ Chi Harmony build where the +50% bonus is the most important part and you don’t want to manually cast RM if you can help it.

And casting EM will do that better, period. EM + vivify heals for MORE, and procs an additional RM, and stacks with other talents. RM + vivify heals for less, period. RM should only be used when you cannot stand and cast.

The whole ‘deterministic’ bit you keep going on about it is a red herring, because the deterministic part of EM + vivify IS better, the fact that it can go from a little better to MUCH better doesn’t make it any worse. EM + RM + vivify > EM + vivify > RM + vivify.

RM + vivify = 258% + 124% (Invigorating Mists) = 382% * 1.1 (vivacious vivification) = 420% + ~60% (RM ticks) = 480 * 1.5 = 720% of spell power
EM + vivify = 258% * 1.1 (vivacious vivification) + 312% = 596% * 1.4 = 834%

This is also ignoring the entire problem with M+ is not single target damage. In higher keys the damage comes in bursts, it’s not a single person needing topped up. That’s trivial. If you’re going to wipe it’s going to be Anub’ikkaj and the overlapping Slam and Decay, or Coaglamation and Dark Pulse, and stuff like that. Not some random trash cast going off. A single blackout kick or Rising Sun will cover that.

No disagreement with that.

Nah, I rather like this guy.

This happens very often on the forums, regardless of if you’re right or wrong, or if you just try to share something.
At this point I just correct misinfo or talk about notes, though I haven’t yet gone over that absurd buff Fistweaver is getting in 11.1.
Very rarely is anyone actually willing to engage in conversation without them feeling like their ego is being pierced or challenged.

That’s not to say that Psychi is one of those aformentioned individuals. It’s more a general assessment based on my observations here.

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this is not an ad hominem. It’s clear from the way the sentence is structured that what is considered ‘silly’ is the advice. ad hominem would be more along the lines of saying ‘your advice doesn’t matter because you’re posting on a death knight’. It’s a direct attack on the credibility of the arguer rather then the argument.


I like the class too, a lot but the button bloat is just the stoopudest thing… It worse than Resto shaman… im level 42 and already, all 42 of my buttons shortcuts are taken up.