Mistweaver monk
Wind kick is just aoe chaos bolt
mistweaver monk
Moistweaver monk.
i wish there were more mw streamers for me to watch
the only ones I know are mysticallx, meepmonk and bankmw
who else can i watch to see why i am sheet???
mysticall has an insane winrate in shuffle and i have no idea how theyre doing it
prob just luck by not getting the win trader lobbies
forgot to say but it is also lay on hands sorry not sorry
it splits dmg so no?
Please nerf this damage in pvp. getting killed by a monk randomnly hitting me for 1.7 m is ridiculous
send a picture i wanna know how they’re hitting that high too
Only way that’s possible is with crit or zerking and no split.
Unless they’re playing a tank spec, in which case lol.
in which case they had it coming. they shouldve been hit for 3m
we’ll trinket the hog tie
Oh, and port out of the basement?
The issue isn’t the kick’s damage so much as the ability to reset its CD like 4 times in a row with double TFT charges.
It’s a 10s CD ability that you can just turret back to back with TFT every 30 sec
just aura mastery so we cant kick
Ye, the combo is nuts. It’s like wings on a shorter CD.
Did someone say mistweaver?