Mistweaver monk (vod review)

hello champions

help me figure how I could have at least 4-2d this lobby plz

I’ve done my own analysis but want to see your takes


mistweaver monk

I suggest listening to this on repeat while you watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4

nerf warrior

Not if this is some sort of subtle flex.

nah, im pretty sure the attempts to juke when it was in hindsight not good look cringe
this was not one of my best lobbies but perfectly average gameplay tbh
also applying zen spheres on a target with 30% hp is just lulz

Classic case of warrior dying by pillars.

Your positioning. Healing is all about positioning. You need to put yourself in better spots where you can quickly incap stun the other healer, or in spots where you can avoid cc. Too many times you don’t respect the other team and give them free cc on yourself.

You also put their entire team on DR pointlessly when the rogue was low and you should have just topped him off.

There are times where you need to slow down your gameplay and look at things at a micro level. Like look around to what’s going on. In one of the first rounds you’re in melee range so the rogue is just rotting all of you and you walk into a bad spot where you position yourself in a spot that makes it hard to heal your warrior. You fell so far behind at that point that recovery became unlikely.

You need to look around and be more aware of your enemies win conditions.

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actually insightful, thanks and I agree. I didn’t catch some of these

I’m trying to get used to the OmniBar that tracks CDs so I can pre-do-stuff around these CDs. I’m honestly only playing around interrupts and big CDs like ascendance right now

When I heal I just sit max range and make sure my team is completely safe and being able to do that already makes you a very solid healer. From there if you can detect windows where you can incap the healer into a stun then you’re improving your skill cap.

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Hard to do when the :poop:storm spins your way.

He barely got ccd, mages kick won the game coiple of times. Thunder focus tea might be the play.

You’re right he played perfectly frost mages are just broken. Thanks for your correction.

I knew it.

It’s the wintrading conspiracy making me lose

Gonna email this to blzzrd



you told everyone in the lob to throw with warrior and then proceed to heal him into deep damp every game? reported

That’s true, is a ban worthy offense :dracthyr_nervous_animated: Kins might need to delete this post :open_mouth:

I thought you guys were jerking my chains here, but now I realize I didn’t express myself well

Days after the fact I realize that means they’d have to lose on their team or so, which is not what I meant at all. It does fit with the narrative of winning every round against them which would be impossible since they had already won one, so some kind of quantum miracle would have had to happen anyways. This was just another shotty ‘’‘joke’‘’ elaborating on picking on warriors, particularly because Dabdaddy would get it

Besides, lobbies where any DPS goes 0-6 or 6-0 is not fun for any healers

If I get banned for this then meh I deserve it even if it was a mistell. If not for this sin then for others.

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Ya I was just joining the guy with the printer meme in trolling your thread

hey it’s no fun trolling if no one takes the bait

Chained to the tree with no water on a hot day for u.

Actually bet u’d like that u weirdo.