Hey, name’s Josh I currently play a 381 mistweaver monk. I currently raid with a guild that my father introduced me to after my old guild fell apart. With the opening of Daz I finally got to see what they are like in a raid setting and I am not liking it. I want more. I want to see more content and work with great people. I learn mechanics and strategies too fast to be stuck with people who don’t even want to try. I have too much ambition to be good and see mythic content to be stuck in normals doing the same thing when better ideas have been suggested, but because fatboss didn’t say to, we stick with what ISN’T working. So I have decided to start looking around and see what there is.
I am looking for a slightly laid back group of people who will help nourish the small details of stats or slight talent changes, to really get into the nitty gritty and make someone great, all while delving deep into harder content trying to challenge ourselves and grow. My schedule is semi flexible I can raid any night during the week but I am a marine so I may be pulled away for duty one night every now and then so I need the group to be understanding of that. If you would like to get to know me and are willing to give me a try in your raid team please add me on:
Discord- Saelios#7170
Btag- jjbinks#1794
Hope to hear from you soon!