Mistweaver Macros for Fistweaving

I want to share my Mistweaver macros I made for fistweaving. I put these 4 macros in my 1,2,3,4 key binds.

#showtooltip Vivify
/cast [@mouseover,help] Vivify; [harm] Tiger Palm; [noharm] Vivify

#showtooltip [noharm]Enveloping Mist;[harm]Rising Sun Kick
/cast [@mouseover,help,channeling]Enveloping Mist; [noharm] Enveloping Mist
/cast [harm,exists,nohelp] Rising Sun Kick

#showtooltip [noharm]Soothing Mist
/cast [@mouseover,help,nochanneling][@target,help,nochanneling]Soothing Mist;[@mouseover,help,channeling]Vivify; [channeling]Vivify
/cast [harm,exists,nohelp]Blackout Kick

#showtooltip [noharm]Renewing Mist;[harm]Faeline Stomp
/cast [@mouseover,help,exists] Renewing Mist; [harm] Faeline Stomp

This makes
1 - Tiger Palm
2 - Rising Sun Kick
3 - Blackout Kick
4 - Faeline Stomp

It also makes
1 - Cast vivify on mouseover
2 - Cast enveloping mist while channeling soothing mist and without on on mouseover
3 - Cast Soothing Mist on mouseover, while channelling soothing mist, pressing 3 again will spam Vivify for you while you are channeling
4 - Cast Renewing Mist on mouseover

These macros will show the cooldown on appropriate ability depending if you target enemy or player.

Any critiques?


This is an amazing way to minimize key binds and I’m going to have to give it a shot.
Monk has so many talents and I don’t use shift modifiers so this can be a solution!

I would recommend against using a Heal/Harm macro on Vivify. It is much nicer to give it its own button to allow for self casting.

Instead, I’d recommend combining Tiger Palm with Soothing Mists.


Very nice macros.

Very interesting. I’d never considered using the channeling condition before.

I do mouseovers so

Rsk / soom are one button
Tiger palm / vivify are one button
Bok / enveloping mist are one button

So for pvp, do you ever use enveloping mists outside of crane ? Such a long cast during combat.

I use my enveloping mist macro during soothing mist for instant cast. I don’t pvp but if I did I prob use crane. On a different button like r or shift r or something.

My soothing mist macro is my favorite macro. I love being able to mouseover soothing mist and press the key again to spam a vivify instead of hitting another key. I still use my vivify key a lot during fistweaving, especially after getting in 3 rising sun kicks for the renewing mist, I quickly mouseover a teammate and instant vivify to get those cleave heals in.

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Im only level 30, but here’s what I have created so far if it will help anyone.

I use E and Q for my most used stuff. I just rinse and repeat change the spells as you like.

For example this will default to soothing tooltip, if mouseover or target is enemy will tiger palm, then if mouseover or target is ally, it will soothing:
E - Soothing/Tiger Palm

/cast [mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead] Soothing Mist; [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Tiger Palm; Soothing Mist

My instant heal:
Shift+R - Thunder Focus Tea/Enveloping

/cast Thunder Focus Tea
/cast [mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead] Enveloping Mist

Then I have RSK/Renewing on Shift+E etc, etc

EDIT: Also I am stealing your channel macro for vivify, Im just gonna add it to my current one. It’s nice for spam xD

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead,channeling] Vivify; [mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,help,nodead] Soothing Mist; [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Tiger Palm; [channeling] Vivify; Soothing Mist

Tiger Palm / Enveloping Mist

I don’t need to visually track the cooldown of Tiger Palm, but I do need to pay attention to when instant-cast Enveloping Mist procs are available. Having Resuscitate is a bonus.

#showtooltip Enveloping Mist
/use [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat]Resuscitate;[@mouesover,help,nodead]Enveloping Mist;Tiger Palm

Blackout Kick / Vivify

I don’t need to keep track of the cooldown for Vivify, but paying attention to Blackout Kick’s cooldown is valuable. Having Reawaken is a bonus.

#showtooltip Blackout Kick
/use [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat]Reawaken;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Soothing Mist;Blackout Kick

Rising Sun Kick (+ Others) / Soothing Mist

I personally prefer to always pair my Thunder Focus Chi’s with Rising Sun Kick. Life Cocoon is also off the global cooldown, so I’ve decided to pair it with this ability (though it could be slapped onto Tiger Palm or Vivify instead.

Since Thunder Focus tea is automatically trying to always pair itself with Rising Sun Kick, I don’t need to keep track of its cooldown. It’ll happen when it happens. Same with Life Cocoon (though it’s arguably more optimal to remove this from the macro and have it function under its own separate button). I DO need to keep track of Rising Sun Kick’s cooldown though.

Also of note, I’ve moved away from [nochanneling]Soothing Mist;Enveloping Mist type macros because you aren’t able to immediately start channeling Soothing Mist on a new target if you’re already channeling it on your current target. I’d prefer not to deal with the micro-management of moving or pressing escape in order to deal with this limitation. And as hinted earlier, both Vivify and Enveloping Mist (in many circumstances) need to be castable outside of channeling Soothing Mist.

#showtooltip Rising Sun Kick
/use Thunder Focus Tea
/use [@focus,help,nodead][@mouseover,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][]Life Cocoon
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead]Soothing Mist;Rising Sun Kick

Spinning Crane Kick / Detox

I don’t need to keep track of the cooldown for Spinning Crane Kick (because it has none), but I DO need to keep track of the cooldown for Detox.

#showtooltip Detox
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead]Detox;Spinning Crane Kick

The most significant downside of this setup is that I have to mouseover my player portrait in order to cast some of the beneficial healer spells on myself, but I think the tradeoff is worth it. Prioritizing visibility for important cooldowns is a big thing for me, and I typically never pair two different abilities together that both have cooldowns (since the macro tooltip/image can only show one at a time).

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You just gotta add an Alt + Player to the beginning for the spell. But thanks for the revive nocombats Im gonna add those to mine too!

EDIT: I threw your nocombat revives on my F key

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat]Reawaken; [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat]Resuscitate; [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Paralysis; Ring of Peace