Mistweaver LF raiding guild GMT+8

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a GMT+8 guild with raid times starting anytime from 930pm (GMT +8). I primarily play a healer and for this expansion am playing a MW. Currently 610ilvl

I’m able to commit to raids and am reliable. Would like to progress with a guild for AOTC/CE and will always show up with flasks, consumables and full enchants.

I myself am a returning player and have played wow since vanilla. Raided most of the exp and would like to continue to do so this exp.

BTag: Coldbee#11457

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Hey mate,
What time is that aest?
You are welcome to join us in Valhalla.
We are the largest Wow community in OCE.
We have 14 raid teams from CE to AOTC.
We are looking for more healers.
Very active m+ community.
Really friendly and chilled out bunch of people.
Message me on discord if you are keen to chat! Varcoe_Valhalla

Hey Cobee,

We’re looking for some healers to join our second team that runs Thursdays 8:30-10:30 and Sundays 8-10:30 pm AEDT
We are currently 7/8H and pplan to dabble into mythic

If you’re interested I’d be happy to have a chat further :slight_smile: