I am a potentially returning player to wow and I am in need of a guild to call home while I level. I am an adult with a busy life until about June but would like to slowly sink back into a routine and eventually raid. I am leveling a Mistweaver Monk with an Offspec of BrewMaster.
I am indifferent to the faction that I play on so I will hold off on leveling her until I find the right home! I am looking to raid around June time frame (or fit in as an extra body on nights an extra is needed, once I am ready)
For now though I am seeking a populated guild that is active and willing to take on a casual for Mythic + and general social interactions. If I am able to find a guild that has raid times that are do’able for me that is a great plus, as I don’t like to move around if I don’t have to.
Raids on Weekends are best for me at current, Friday/Sat/Sun are fairly open but I can also do SOME weekdays.
We’re looking for a healer to join our core progression team, but we’re always open to have social players that are interested in joining us to run some mythic + or join in on our Sunday alt raid to see/learn content.