I finally started to dabble in Mistweaver. I have played every other healer up to and beyond KSH except Mistweaver. Yesterday I hopped into a +8 Freehold and I had some of the most fun I’ve had healing all expansion.
I am quite fond of using Help/Harm Macros on my healers, and Mistweaver is no exception. I find Mistweaver has a ton of buttons compared to many other healers, so I would greatly appreciate some suggestions for help/harm macros people use.
Right now I have Tiger Palm/Vivify and Blackout Kick/Renewing Mist combined, which seems to work pretty well.
Normally I would combine AoE heals/damage, but Essence Font and Spinning Crane Kick don’t quite combine in a super helpful way with the way they both function. But open to other ideas and suggestions from more experience monks here!
Sounds like we have some similar ideas with our help/harms. I think I might try this one. It frees up my right click on Vuhdo for something else too.
Yup, Shaman is arguably the easiest one I’ve combined help/harms for. Priest is pretty easy too. MW is just kind of odd. I feel like Essence Font and SCK should be combineable, but they both function so uniquely that I feel like it ruins both abilities.