Mistweaver Healer LF a guild!


My current guild isn’t returning for season 2 so looking for a new place to call home! I’m currently as of writing a 625 ilvl mistweaver monk who likes to focus on M+ but likes to casually do heroic raiding for AOTC.

I usually push around +8-+9 keys with a couple of +10s timed but want to push farther with a dedicated team in season 2.

Raid times are flexible but would preferably like something on Wednesday and/or Thursday nights around 8pm EST to 11pm EST.

If you think I’d be a good fit for your guild please hit me up!
Battle Tag: Lancelot#12473
Discord: Lance1094


Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild, but we also have a separate run for those who only want AOTC. Our Mythic raids are Fri & Sat 7pst to 10pst. Our Heroic runs will be on Sundays 7pst to 10pst. We’re looking to recruit new members! We run weekly key nights and guild event nights (includes tmog runs, PvP nights, and more) as well as our scheduled raiding nights, so there is always something to do!

Our current progression is:

  • 4/8 M NP
  • 8/8 H NP

If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information! You can reach me at Raevenhart#1561 anytime!

I’d love to toss our guild into that hat as we REALLY need some healers! We’re primarily an M+ guild with a casual raid forming most likely on a Saturday afternoon. Hope that doesn’t end up being a deal breaker!

[Guild: We Go Again] Tichondrius (US) is looking for homies and new people to come run M+ and raid. Currently looking to fill two mythic teams, but we have plenty of space for heroic, casuals, collectors, fun people, and talkative bunches.

East Raid: Tue/Thurs 8-11 est (5-8 pst)

West Raid: Tue/Wed 9-12 pst

We used to be an older guild with leadership that was not very active, so the majority of the guild split off and created a new place for more activities and community to be had. Even with everything we got to 4/8M. We have an active Discord and many friendly members of all walks of life. If any of these times interest you, or if you’re just looking for a good community add me at Flame#4420 on discord

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!!

Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! If you can flex on the times a bit We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon

Salutations Anokjek! Please take a look at our recruitment. Look forwarding to chatting with you!

Area52 LFRaiders Tue/Wed 8-11PM EST S1 AotC 4/8M - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!!

Lawn pirates Raid Times Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-10:00Am PST, 10am - 12pm CST, 11am-1pm See you there! aotc we want to get into mythic raiding need couple more people mythic + daily add me on Battle.net herwordskill#1655 for more info or interested in joining !!!

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Melee DPS- Smash the enemies into dust? We encourage it.
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!..