Mistweaver bugs (updated)

I’m not a MW, so bear with me as a relay issues passed to me from my guildie, but apparently the Master of Harmony hero talents are so heavily bugged that it negates the talents from working as intended. This is on top of a number of other MW bugs have been known about for some time.

I was given the below Google Docs link that’s attempting to compile the issues but it is incomplete (missing Zen Pulse procs potentially interrupting Celestial Conduit cast, if you cast Vivify before Celestial Conduit, and Celestial Conduit being interrupted by various other things still after the Chi Burst changes)

Mistweaver Bugs/Interactions - TWW Beta - Google Sheets

My guildie is very upset about the state of things with their favorite spec almost a month into the expac and is considering uninstalling because of it. Going into mythic NP with one of our healers’ cooldowns randomly not working / and the other dispelling when it isn’t supposed to, is a significant detriment. Please address ASAP.