Mistweaver +10 across the board!

Goal achieved: Timed +10 in all dungeons! My pug pulled one pack at a time, and we still timed it—I wonder why others pull more. The final boss was rough: two DoTs in a tiny circle - my biggest healer anxiety. And then it happened, first cast, I died…but got a battle rez and finished it! Tried alts, but they’re boring. Monk for life!


Bad tanks who spend too much time watching the MDI+/very high key strategies to save 10 seconds but cant pull it off in practice. MDI strats tend to not be great in pug environments unless everyone is on the same page before starting.

Grim Batol? That was one of my favorite ones this season. The last fight can get pretty chaotic sometimes. I find it helps to bring a hunter or paly to clear the tentacles, less room for error in pugs. Assuming they use they toolkit. Hopefully the 2 people who get the debuff use their DR

Grats on 10’s across the board!


Some packs need to be double pulled tho. Not in low keys, but eventually one pack a at a time is not only slow but also a waste of DPS cooldowns you know.

OP Gratz

Congratulation /highfive

Congrats Marrrigs! :heart:

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for 10’s/pugs you really don’t as long as the dps don’t suck, esp since timers were increased.

OP said they did it one pull at a time and timed it.


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Ofc its possible! But it’s a waste of group CD’s :slight_smile:

Lots of pug tanks just cant handle the extra pulls let alone manage their cooldowns properly. Best to play it safe in pugs.

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Some tanks do not really study the mobs pull by them. Some packs cannot be pulled together in pug environment that will cause full wipe especially when need to dodge lot of frontal and still need to interrupt lot of casters.

Some tanks also not care what classes are in the team, can they handle interrupt and dodge well? Only melee have low interrupt CD but melee can be one shot so fast when miss a frontal. Range have longer interrupt CD and can easily face frontals. A good tank need to consider lot of things, not only the mobs they pull, the route they use, but also all the players in the team.

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GB is actually a really good dungeon for this season imo. Everything is very well telegraphed which makes it is easier to heal. Compare the predictability of boss fights in gb with those of dawnbreaker, CoT, Siege, etc.

I don’t think the tanks are necessarily bad. The MDI tanks are just very good. If they’re just chain pulling or trying bigger pulls than the safer +1 methods then that seems kind of normal to me. You also can only really get good at doing those things if you practice it. Sometimes even if you’re good at it, it might not work out. A lot of those mdi teams wiped to some things a lot of us regular players would think is the normal start of a pull, proving that it can happen to anyone. The finals game was determined by the rogue shadowstepping the dragon in GB and therefore popping one of the ads, killing all but the tank. I’ve seen 2.8k dks kill all of us with abomination limb even after telling them “no slappy hands this fight.” My point being that those pulls are probably possible but that it might not work out and I don’t think most tanks just trying to go a little faster by pulling another pack are doing “mdi strats,” necessarily.