Mists of tirna bug?

Not the maze but the door at the start i cant open and i can only use one seed to set respawn i have herbalism level 26. Did they change it again so only some classes/races can do it or is this a bug


It used to be you had to be a Night Fae (Shadowlands covenant) to open the doors/use the seeds. Did they change it to be something else?

I haven’t done Mythic yet, but in Heroic I was able to open all the doors and use all the seeds (I am Night Fae)

on icyviens and wowhead there was posts stating that you need to be/have one of these to use the prieviously night fae abilitys “druid, night elf, tauren, highmountain tauren or TWW herbalism skill at 25”

edit link (https://www.wowhead.com/guide/mythic-plus-dungeons/the-war-within-season-1/mists-of-tirna-scithe)


Looks like they removed the night fae covenant stuff to allow those listed to open.

Some other dungeons have stuff like this too. I saw in one of the spidey Dungeons you needed tailoring. Theres probably more like that.

Is there feedback on this? I have max herbalism in Khaz Algar and when I still couldn’t open the door I went to Oribos and leveled Shadowlands herbalism to 25 and I still am unable to open the first door in Mists. Is this a bug?

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Same issue. I can get the seed before the maze, but I can’t get the seed after the maze, nor can I open any doors. I tried getting shadowlands herbalism as well but that didn’t work

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Did a quick test on my druid - who was venthyr and isn’t herbalist, and he can open the gate. So I think this is likely just a bug associated with the professions

Bump! Still having the same issue

I’m also having this issue. My Holy Paladin (Maxed TWW Herbalism and 1/100 Shadowlands herbalism) can’t open the gate.

My Elemental Shaman friend (Maxed TWW Herbalism, no shadowlands herbalism) can open it though.

I can use the seed before the maze but not after. He can use both seeds.

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I joined the night fae and got my shadowlands herbalism to 25. I still cant open the gate in mists.

Not sure if this is a bug or if I’m missing something.

Bump. Same as others. Night Fae and Khaz Algar max herbalism does not open door. I’m a blood elf so no racial checkbox for me…

Bro just maxed out his Shadowlands Herbalism, and can’t open the door either.

same here, max herb cant interact with the stuff