Mistake in orc heritage story?

During orcs heritage story at some point you need to choose a clan to join.
Each clans current leader can tell you about a clan, and also something about themselves.

New leader of the Warsong clan is Gorgonna. She tells that when she was a child she was kicked out from Warsong clan. Later she joined Thralls Horde. In the Horde she slowly grow to higher ranks as ordinary Horde warrior without a clan.

Then she tells that after Garrosh story Warsong clans moral was low. She went to Ashenvale forest and joined Warsong clan hoping to restore their morality. Later she became their leader.

But that is impossible. Because after Garrosh all the Horde members have left Ashenvale forest. Tyrande have gave Azshara land as a bargain, so that no Horde member will ever enter Ashenvale forest again. Also from the War of the Thorns story we know that all Horde bases in Ashenvale forest were abandoned until BfA.

So, is it a lore mistake? Or she is imposter and lies? Or maybe Warsong clan was still living in Ashenvale forests as rogues, and no one knew that they are there? )

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Undoubtedly a Lore mistake

Surprised it’s the only one found so far tbh

Out of a dozen clans only one mistake is a decent track record since they had to have scoured All The Lore Ever, many of which have quests removed years ago


There is also the Dragonmaw. The clan that Blizzard can’t decide whether they got their clan name before or after they went though the portal.

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My dude.
We had a time skip.
She’s been in Ashenvale during that timeskip.
The Horde has not left Ashenvale.
The Night Elves did not sign the treaty, and so the Horde isn’t bending the knee.


They managed to have each original family clan leadership killed except Durotan and Kilrogg. Way to destroy Orc lore.

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The cool thing about there being dissonance between the state of lore in-game and the state of lore in-theory is that while the latter technically supersedes the former, the former is much, much easier to reference.

I would expect to continue seeing this issue, going forward.


I’ll assume they consider Mor’shan Ramparts as the edge of Ashenvale Forest.



He is talking about the end of MoP, not BFA. If you talk to tyrande as an alliance player after defeating Garrosh she says that she will give the Horde Azshara (the zone) if they leave Ashenvale for good. I would’ve thought him mentioning the War of Thorns story (you know, the pre-BFA event) supporting that was a dead giveaway about what event he was talking about.


Funny thing to gloat about honor when people are starving on the streets. Do these clowns ever get tired of their self righteousness? Gorgonna is just another example of tokenism. A character who only gets the job because the Hellscream line is dead. The Warsong gulch battle master is as much as good of a leading character for the Warsong Clan.

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She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and led the horde to success in Grizzly Hills even at cost of her sister.

Funny enough is they did make the battle master the leader during Legion. Least it’s close as Gargok is related to Gorgonna. :dracthyr_nod:

Shame they don’t rep the tabard.


Krenna was cooler. Just like Grom was better then Garrosh. But Blizzard is hellbent on killing any Horde leader that even has a slight edge to them.

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I think there’s some small edge. :thinking:


Seems like the best clan traditions were dropped. Sadly the Hood in Legion never made it out of the Beta. He seemd like your typical shattred hand Orc. Do we know if Jorin cut out his eye to see his own death? Not to mention that the Dragonmaw no longer has dragons.

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now im even more confused about whats going on at Zoramgar strand

Maybe safe to assume as the clan has the knowledge.

You wish to learn of the Bleeding Hollow Clan? As you wish.
Before the time of the Horde, we lived in the wilds of the Tanaan Jungle. My father, Kilrogg Deadeye, led most of our clan to war in Azeroth. Those who did not return to Draenor after the Second War were captured and placed in internment camps. These two halves of my clan have been separated, until now.
My clan is known for performing rituals that many would consider… dark. We do not shy away from such tools. We know what fate has in store for us, and do what we must to survive.
You have performed mighty deeds and been victorious in many battles, Player. The Bleeding Hollow would gladly accept you.

The last Mag’har of the Shadowmoon clan from Outland does practice void magic though it’s likely not tradition.


Imagine if we didn’t kill the Fel Horde. Imagine if we aided them away from Illidan and bring them into the Horde. I hate how Orcs were misused as villain mobs in the past. Far too many times the Orcs cannibalized themselves.

The horde kinda does. :thinking:


My warlock is laughing skull but I forced to pick blackrock. My Shaman is bleeding hollow. Just like with the blood elves I did the quest twice.

Can still humor Kil’rip got you into the Laughing skull clan such as how Blastcaps joined.

Funny enough is Deadeye might be the horde’s last warchief. :thinking: