Mist Shroud for Mistweavers!

The mists of Pandaria [1][2] were magical mists conjured by the Emperor of Pandaria, Shaohao. They protected the inhabitants of the lands during the Great Sundering of Kalimdor at the end of the War of the Ancients.

If we can mist an island, I can mist a group for 10seconds.
Give MW group shroud. It would actually make sense for us to have a group shroud.

Pyro :panda_face:


Take something unique from another class and give it to MONKS? I like this kind of role reversal


Mistweaver <3 <3

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I’d love any excuse for monks to have some kind of stealth power. [Obscuring Mists] sounds thematically appropriate!


We could bring that cool utility!
Druid = BR
Shaman = Lust
Priest = PI
Pally = bubble utility
Monk = group mist!! :panda_face:


In fact you guys have the only offensive healer buff in the game (5% extra mele damage). The bad thing is that among all the healers you mention, only the Shaman and Priests stand out more than the paladin and druid along with the Monk u.u

I’d rather get a stagger like raid wall cooldown, but it looks like that goes to Evokers instead :frowning:

The stagger one is the single target cd, rewind is closer to something like death strike.

Blizzard should still think about doing this.

Its unique healer utility. Would be very grateful!

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This would be great class flavor and utility possibly making it a LOS mechanic. I really like this idea.


That sounds about right!

/whisper To the top