Missing Timewarped Badges

Transferred 28,835 timewarped badges via the warband currency transfer system and they all disappeared–this happened months ago. After a whole bunch of tickets and back-and-forth, the GMs have told me things like “you won’t get them back because it’s been too long” (I attached a screenshot of my badges from the log as proof), I’ve been told that the bug is fixed, and I’ve been told that you’re working on a fix and are aware AFTER having been told that there is no bug.

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The bug is not fixed. This just happened to me and I’m trying to put in a ticket, but they make it so difficult to do, that I don’t know how. I didn’t lose nearly as many as you did. I only lost about 2000, but it’s still all my time from farming them on the last day today. I’m so sorry they arent helping you. I’m seeing more and more reasons to not renew my wow time when it’s up at the end of this month. Wow has turned into such a joke with this and the guild banks, along with everything else.

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I just lost 9,031 TW badges in a toon to toon transfer. I can’t believe this is a known, ongoing - apparently for months! - and unresolved issue.

I’m new to WOW. I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing the game since August of last year and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. However, my investment in what I’ve built (23 “active” toons, 10 of them lvl 80, 100+ mounts and 289 unique battle pets) is not great enough to tolerate a game that causes me to fear losing what I’ve earned every time I touch it.

Hopefully, there is resolution very soon for all of you and me, too.

Edited to add: Apparently, we’re not allowed to post a reply when we’re the last person to post in a thread, so I’m editing this post with an update…

My missing badges have been restored!

In case it’s helpful to others - opening a ticket via Blizzard .net’s support service is NOT the way to go. That GM was unable to do anything and didn’t even know that anything could be done. He just made several suggestions offering steps that might work.

Instead, use the in-game “Support”, “Item Restoration” feature. You’ll be directed to another site, follow the prompts from there.

Good luck and happy gaming! I’m off to buy my Legion mounts! :slight_smile:


I tried using the item restoration tab, but I didn’t get anything back. It might be too late for me now too to try again… Oh well, I’m glad it all worked out for you though!

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