Missing the Interface tab

I am at a loss here. My interface tab is missing. When I open up the options menu, under Gameplay, It goes:

Action Bars

Notice how Interface is missing? On my friends game, its under Controls. I have no addons on. I have changed servers, characters, reloaded. Its just missing, and I have no idea why.

Here is what it looks like. imgur . com/a/JbpLKgz

Googling, and I cant find anyone else with this problem.


In game, type /console cvar_default
That worked for me.

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Just a shot, might be the same issue that this person had: Where did equipment manager go? - #5 by Maru-benediction

You can use the ` mark (Grave Mark, Shift + ~, next to the 1 key on a US keyboard) to wrap links

imgur.com/a/JbpLKgz Makes it easier to copy/paste :slight_smile:

Sometimes, addons set settings that dont have a UI element to set, which can hide things. You can try closing wow and renaming your WTF folder to something else (WTF stores all of your settings, including addon settings) and relaunching wow. See if the Interface option comes back. You should be able to close wow and rename the WTF folder back to WTF to return your settings.

Obviously whatever settings you changed wouldnt stick after putting your WTF folder back in place, but it would let you see if some setting is preventing from seeing it.

I think Leatrix Plus offers an interface for extended settings that blizzard has decided to hide. You can try using that addon first and see if there are any settings in there that might help. Might be a better option if you arent comfortable modifying files directly as suggested in my first paragraph

Amazing you found someone with the same problem. I tried what they did, and what Euphorazain suggested. I removed my WTF folder, and restarted the game. All default settings, even played the opening cinematic. With no addons installed, I still do not have an interface option under Gameplay.

I dunno, I downloaded the blizzard LUA code and tried looking at the settings xml and lua code for a bit, and it just seems like everything is wrapped in secure calls, so I can’t poke it in game to try and see if some sort of script could help fix it for ya.

If you can read lua, you can take a stab at it.

To download blizzard code
https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Extracting_WoW_user_interface_files (this website is instructions on how to extract it from the game client directly. No downloads)

the relevant code is in World of Warcraft\_classic_\BlizzardInterfaceCode\Interface\SharedXML\Settings I checked Blizzard_SettingsPanel, Blizzard_CategoryList, and Blizzard_Category for code to look at, but came up empty.

You can use /fstack in game and mouse over the elements of the settings panel to get the name. I used notepad++ to search for files with SettingsPanel to find the files that I did find.

GL though

So I just did a clean install of WoW. I uninstalled everything. Classic Wrath, the ICC PTR, everything. Then I went and deleted the stray files remaining in the directory.

Fresh install, no addons or anything. It is still not there. So the problem exists outside of the WoW directory. Maybe there is something in appdata%?


For future people googling their brains out, here is what worked for me.

In game, type /console cvar_default

Thats it. That fixed it for me. I have no idea what was wrong, or really what that command does, but that fixed it, and restored the Interface tab.

Thank you, Euphorazine and DepressĂ­ng for helping me out.

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