Missing progress on the Kalimdor Tamer / Safari achievements

Hello, I’ve been trying to get both the Kalimdor Tamer and Kalimdor Safari achievements, however for some reason I’m missing progress on both of them and nothing I do seems to correct the issue.
I’ve tried opening a ticket and after 3 hours of waiting I was met with an automated response basically telling me to look it up on wowhead or to complain on forums, which is what I’m gonna do now.
The Kalimdor Tamer achievement requires you to capture a pet from all Kalimdor zones and the one I’m missing is Uldum, but I’ve captured pretty much all pets from there (from both the normal version of the map as well as the assault version). I have no idea what to do to get the achievement.
As for the Kalimdor safari, I’m only missing the pet Cockroach ( Cockroach - NPC - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)) but the thing is, I ALREADY have it, it’s on my journal, a rare level 15 cockroach that I had captured nearly a YEAR ago, I tried capturing another one to see if it would count, but it doesn’t work, I even tried capturing the Roach ( Roach - NPC - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com) to see if maybe the achievement is counting the wrong pet, but no, nothing happens, I can’t get the achievement.

On the damned automated answer from blizzard they suggested I tried disabling my addons, and so I did and again nothing happened.
I’m out of options here so if anyone has any tip, I’d be grateful, I just wanted these damned achievements.

Edit: Also, something I forgot to mention is that I was missing other pets from the Kalimdor Safari achievement, which I got THIS VERY DAY and the progress COUNTED, the only pet that has missing progress is the f** cockroach.
Also also, I had another missing zone from the Kalimdor Tamer, which was Thousand Needles, I got that zone checked out as early as YESTERDAY.

So, as far as the armory is displaying you’ve gotten the Kalimdor Tamer achievement.

As for the Cockroach, they’re pretty much everywhere, so you might have captured one on a different continent, and that one is NOT displaying as complete. When you caught the new one, was it on Kalimdor specifically? And was it just the Cockroach, or one of the other kinds, like the Death’s Head Cockroach?

If all else fails, you might have to release your Cockroach. Blue stones are easy enough to get through WQs these days, so you don’t have to hunt down a rare or anything.

If you did catch the Cockroach specifically on Kalimdor this time around, and your addons were off, you might just need to exit the game and log in to another character. Things can be weird sometimes. :woman_shrugging:

The only other thing I can think of is to take a screenshot of the full achievement list, your roster, and probably a screenshot of your log & zone displaying you caught the Cockroach in Kalimdor, and put it in this thread so you can re-open the ticket and point them here to show you did everything and nothing worked.

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Amayita may have hit on the problem with the Cockroach. I see yours is level 12, and if it hasn’t been leveled, means would’ve probably been from the Wetlands in Eastern Kingdoms. The Kalimdor one comes at level 1 or 2 from Durotar. Kind of cheesy distinction but what can we do.

Yes, I got the Kalimdor Tamer achievement, about an hour later after making my post I tried again and it worked.

As for the Cockroach I’ve tried everything, the first one I captured about a year ago was not in Kalimdor, so I captured one in Kalimdor and nothing, I captured one in Northrend and nothing, I even captured one in Draenor and also nothing.
And yes I captured just the Cockroach, not a different type, I double checked which Cockroach was the achievement refering to even BEFORE sending a ticket at costumer support. To relieve my conscience I captured other types too just to see if something would happen aaaaand nothing.
Everything with addons on, and then repeat with addons off.
Tried capturing it with other characters and nothing too.

The only thing I didn’t do was release all of the Cockroachs I had captured so far (the ones I did release was to open up space to capture it again in another continent).

But at this point I highly doubt it will result in me getting progress for the achievement.

As for the screenshots, I did all that when opening a ticket in the first place, so I doubt something would change if I were to post it again here. But I’ll try it later eventually.

Thanks for the tips!

It is not enough to capture one in Kalimor. You have to capture one in the right zone in Kalimdore. Do you know which one you’re missing? Go to that zone and capture a pet.

I guess I underestimated the sloppiness of some of the devs, not bothering to mention that you need the pet from the right zone.

It does look as though you need the cockroach from Un’Goro Crater, not the one from Durotar. Even though both sure look like Kalimdor roaches.