Missing profession weekly quests?

With the weekly reset it seems only certain professions have their weekly quests reset.

I am not talking about the Crafting Orders from the Artisans people, I am talking about profession specific quests.

I have a quest for mining, but not for blacksmithing.
I have a quest for enchanting, but not for tailoring.


I have not had any tailoring weekly other than the Artisan’s Consortium. I do get my enchanting one each week though.

A bunch of us are. There was an issue with the weekly quests not resetting blizz hasn’t said anything about it yet.

How long has this been happening?

It is still going on, I personally have not had a single Blacksmithing weekly quest.

I, too, am having this issue.

Having a similar kind of issue with mine with this weekly reset. It seems to be only one character with the issue. They have no crafting orders weekly quest, and can’t even use the Knowledge Treaties from Inscription. Literally just can’t gain any knowledge points with these professions this week. Trying to go thru all of the hoops to submit a ticket for it just rotted my brain out, losing hope looking thru here as well.


Same problem 9/17. Main toon with Alchemy and Engineering seems like gain of knowledge points at reset didn’t actually reset. No Artisan Consortium order quests and cant use treatise. Weekly Knowlege addon says that I have completed all those already when I have not.

Yeah, the issue is happening for a lot. And according to Blizzard, from the GM response I got, this is unknown to them and I was the first person to ever report it.

The actual quote was "Checking into this, we have not received any other reports of this happening. "

Also having this problem. Dunno if I have several characters affected, but the character I am making this post with definitely has this problem. With the weekly reset I was only able to complete my enchanting weekly quest, my tailoring weekly has not become available yet nor do I seem to get any weekly profession point drops and I cannot use any treatises…