I have checked the mage tower in SW so many times that Im still dizzy. Its not where it is supposed to be. I see people using a portal right in front of me, but I cant see or click on anything.
Somehow I managed to miss the delve quest start on the Isle of Dorn, and now I cant find anyway to get back to start it. Anyone have any suggestions?
Might be a bad suggestion, other options may be available, but can a mage make you a portal there?
Any mages on here that want to try and help this poor soul back to the Isle of Dorn?
Assuming that you’ve done the crash of Dalaran, the crash site and the journey on to Dornogal, there’s a short chain when you arrive where you vehicle-shoot invading Nerubians from a Stormrook, rescue some people, learn about the memory repository, and then get sent to talk to the leaders. They have you activate a teleporter, and then you should have the portal unlocked on all characters.
Take a look at https://www.wowhead.com/quest-completion-tracker and see if there are quests hanging out that you haven’t completed on your main in the city.
in the center there are stairs leading to another set of portals in the back.
I think Balʻameth is there too.
People replying missing this tender nugget here that shows the issue isn’t where but how.
Lol, I can see Bal’ameth, but Dornogal is not there… I must have somehow missed something some how…
You must have completed the starter quests on one character first or be level 70 if skipping them on the alts for the portal to be there. Some get confused by the fact that the scroll for the starter quests pops at level 68.
If you hit lvl 68, then make your way to Dornogal without setting your hearthstone there.
Returning to Orgrimmar/Stormwind will lock you out of Dornogal until level 70.
Which means you’ll have to either get a Mage to port you back or go to the Dragon Isles to level up to 70…after hitting 70 the portal to Dornogal will appear.
I know you are trying to help but… you should look at the dates of the posts. You are responding to a thread 3 months old.
Still the top result on “Google”, bug is still in the game…
yeah and all the do is refer you back to these forums to be told it is still there…ridiculous…I am a level 72…the portal does not appear
getting a mage portal was good advice, you must have hearthed back , because usually passing through the portal in the opposite direction will unlock it. ( if it’s not bugged)
Assuming you hadn’t completed the Dalaran scenario, you could hearth to legion Dalaran and talk to jaina Proudmore to skip to dornagal, but you said " You had" so short of a mage port, I see no other way.
Unless , you took the " Love is in the Air portal" which I think is only one way.
If anybody knows if the Stormwind one will port you back to Dorn,
I checked this out , first thing I did was set my hearth to Dornagal.
I confirmed the portal to the " Gala of Gifts’ in Stormwind is only one way,
If you ported to SW this way and did not unlock the Dornagal portal , you are stuck.
When you get a mage to port you back to Dorn, go immediately to the Inkeeper there and Make Dorn your home!
Then you wont get hosed out of a malfunctioning portal.