Missing old PvP mounts and possibly others

I’ve noticed I’m missing two of my old Gladiator mounts from BC and WOTLK. And the GM I talked to suggested I post the issue here.

The two mounts being:

  • Furious Gladiator’s Frost Wyrm : I still have the achievement for this one, also the achievement for the rank 1 title for that season and the title is not missing.

  • Swift Nether Drake: This one I do not have the achievement anymore nor the mount. I got it in a different account under the same battle net account, and not the account I still play. But I did have access to it from my main account at some point in the past. (The account that got it is linked under the same battle net account)

I’m not sure when they disappeared, I don’t really check on it often, and I haven’t played the game in over half a decade.

I’ve tried doing /cast name_of_the_mount with no success. All other 6 Gladiator mounts from the same two expansions still work fine. Missing season 1 and 6, still have season 2 3 4 5 7 and 8.

I’m also not sure if any other mounts are missing.

Thank you for your time.