Missing mail

i just returned after several years. i have several throwaway characters i mad and want to delete but cant because they have mail, yet when i check mailbox its empty. is there a way i can fix this?

Do these characters have heirlooms? I thought they had got rid of that restriction, but maybe not.


Can’t Delete Character Due to Mail

Updated: 3 months ago

Article ID: 10980


World of Warcraft

Common Problems

Error: This character has mail or has a heirloom item in their inventory, bank, or void storage and cannot be deleted

You must empty the mailbox of a character before you can delete it. Opening the mailbox only is not enough: it must be cleared.

A mail notification icon may not be present in the minimap if you have opened the mailbox but you did not take the items from it. Even if you see no mail notification in the minimap, make sure to visit the closest mailbox and empty it before logging off.

i dont think they do. im not sure. inventory is empty and i dont think i have anything in back. been years so im not sure what is what right now

Have you actually logged into them to check that, when you were checking their mail?

i just logged in and the mails appeared in my mailbox. i guess my impatience just got to me lol. i do appreciate your help though. i didnt know about the heirloom part. that helped me be able to take care of the issue as well.

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