I don’t know exactly if its a bug or maybe something that was not informed to change in the patch, but i need to ask really because i feel there is something wrong with it.
Where are the Icons that were possible to select for Macros customization? Im restricted to my class only icons and gear or stuff icons only.
What is the idea of limit the options to customize macros? I hope its some sort of bug or a mistake during the recent patch launch. If not, it sucks because yesterday i feel really with more freedom and flexibility to use class icons or any other kind of abilities icons as i pleased and see fit. Many could consider this irrelevant, but some restrictions are unnecesary. Just like Class restrictions for transmogs or Artifact spec restrictions, but that is for another topic.
Most likely those were installed as “3rd party” icons, since that’s the default set of icons, iirc. Check for World of Warcraft/Interface/Icons
in your warcraft root folder. If you find it, move it (or copy it) to World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/Icons
, then restart WoW.
No they where removed. Those link by Xaedys are useless if you want to make a new macro.
Just why?
Not sure what you’re talking about. I’ve still got the full breadth of icon options for macros, including all ability and all item icons, and a few other weird ones. But I’m almost positive it’s because of that extra Icon directory that you think is useless.
I like being able to choose other classes spell icons if it fitted the theme I was going for.
Now all you have a a handful of your own spell and 50000 boots to choose from
Just saw this same issue on my macro icons windows today and yeah it sucks that they seemed to have removed all other classes abilities icons from the list.
This is most definitely a bug in patch 8.1 and doubt is intentional since removing icons from the macro panels have absolutely no gameplay reasons at all.
Some official blue response here could be nice please.
Blizzard streamlined the macro icon selection list per class/spec but the icons are all still there to use.
You can access them most easily by installing “Larger Macro Icon Selection” (an addon) that exposes ALL defined icons to the Macro and Equipment set UIs.