Missing Korthia dailies?

So on my main, who completed the initial campaign for all of the Shadowlands zones, has 5 Korthia dailies.

My alt, who I skipped the content once I hit 60 and hadnt even finished Ardenwealed, only gets 3. Is there a reason for this?

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You get the extra dailies when you finish the first chapter of the Korthia campaign that starts in Korthia. The one with Bonesmith Heirmir and Tal-Galan and jumping into the thing. Same one gets you the hookshot.

You have to finish the covenant campaign before you can do this chapter, though.



you are not worthy of finding the primus…till you do this.

Primus releasing quest opens these gates. so to the covenant you must go. or not and not see the dailies.


It’s the lack of the hookshot that really drove me nuts on my most recent alt. I wasn’t going to bother until it became such a hassle to get to the other island for rares.

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I really feel bad for returning players with this stuff… like, as if the zone itself wasn’t punishment enough; you have to jump through hoops to get to some extra dailies.


Ok release the Primus. I have the quest for that. Thanks.

I did that, no extra dailies.

For some reason people keep thinking that ONLY campaign progress that what blocks your number of dailies. However I can confirm after doing literally every single quest in SL on FOUR different toons that, NO. That is NOT the ONLY thing that prevents you from getting a full set of dailies. It is unknown what controls the number as I can tell you for a FACT that regardless of campaign progress, sometimes one toon will get less dailies than others. It’s probably just RNG. Which would fit quite neatly into Blizzard’s MO really.

The problem isn’t that we have to do up to chapter 4 of the korthia campaign. It’s that someone over at blizzard thought it was a GREAT idea to require a full clear of the covenant campaign as well, on all characters.

It says this in the quest log in case you’re wondering. You can not continue the korthia campaign until you’ve finished the covenant one. This basically means you can not unlock the 2 extra dailies or the grapple points. It’s such a bizarre design choice by blizzard, one of many this expansion.

Of course this is only an “issue” on alts and if you have a lot of them since doing the campaign over and over again isn’t something fun to do.


The Korthia grapple hooks will be available to you halfway through the Chapter 4 of the Chains of Domination questline called Last Sigil (which you will only have access to it after completing your covenant campaign on that particular character), but if you want the 2 extra dailies, you will need to finish the entire questline.

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Curious you would post this immediately after posting that you haven’t finished the chapter in question.

That last sigil one bugs too. Sonetimes the primus doesn’t buff you. Leaving you like 10 minutes to kill that 800hp guy. That whole korthia campaign is such a drag. Not to mention you have to do the covenant campaign on every alt you want those dailies and grapples for.

They were going to add a campaign skip then changed there minds last minute too.

Honestly I wish they would just hotfix in those campaign skips.

Well I released the Primus and he is back on Keeper’s Respite, still only have 3/5 dailies.