Missing items from Guild Bank

Told to come here and report it as a bug. Can’t report it anywhere else, and no where else gets a response. Told to report it here, as it then goes to the devs. So I am reporting it like I was advised to do.
Yes, I’ve read the other posts (including the 3900 long current posts in General).
Nothing has been restored to either Alliance or Horde Guild I have. Both are only personal guilds so no one else is in it. Both are on Dath’remar.
The horde one was the main one wiped out of 7 tabs completely (bar 4 items). So that was the worst one affected.
And zero returned to either guild via in game mail.
Annoyed, as some items were purchased with gold bought from a token, and was going to use to make items for achievements, as was building them up.
Given I’m located in Australia, Blizzard basically wiped out things I had bought with either a) game time or b) gold/token gold, c) time spent playing with my subscription.
Such a very poor bug. Worst thing is customer service relating to it. They really need someone to go in and train them on Customer Service and to better look after their customer base. (I’ve been playing for 20 years,…and just feel like it was brushed off from a support side of view).
Was handled very poorly.


If they sent you here, it was out of spite. They close every thread opened in the bug forum on it.

I’m so sorry this happened to you too! There is no customer service, resolution, apology, or compensation being offered by Blizzard/MSFT on this issue. They are trying their best to brush it under the rug by not responding to any of our questions or requests for clarification. The worst thing is the betrayal we all feel as long-time loyal customers

If you would like to get any supportive response, you can join the rest of us (500+ people, with 800+ unique guild banks that were all robbed by Blizzard). We are over on the #2 sticky on the US general forum. What you will find is the PR non-solution offered by a CM cut/paste and a lot of folks playing out their subs and not re-upping, but at least commiserating and supporting each other for the duration.


We call it The Maw, aka the vile wasteland where good souls are sent to suffer and be forgotten until we waste away from entropy. We didn’t do anything to deserve such a fate, yet that is the fate we receive.

Also, counting the last thread that got shut down (and reddit posts) there’s way more than 800 guilds completely wiped out by Blizzard. More like 1000+, and even more just lightly losing some/many items. And that’s just the ones that have noticed the losses and bother posting anything, most players don’t bother reading or posting on the forums at all, and many players may not have realized yet something went wrong and things went missing. Blizzard has been careful to lock and delete new threads to keep knowledge of this debacle contained and limited.


Thank you both for the reply. Yes, I’ve been following (and posting a little) in the other two forums as well. But I was told (on quite a few times via different people in the tickets) that I was to post into the Bug forums as that “is the only way the Dev’s will know it’s an issue as we can’t tell them”. So,…doing as I was told. :slight_smile: That, and can see the only way to get a point across. And yes,…if they closed and locked this thread, than that also would be a little rude, given told by the “ticket support people” this was the only way to get a message across to them.
But I do keep an eye on the other threads as well, read them most days. So thank you for that. :slight_smile:
Plus, I keep checking my bank (and guild bank) in hope, that it may magically re-appear.
Short of being told “it’s all done, nothing more will happen”,…it’s the only way to hold out hope,…lol. :slight_smile: (Wishful thinking I know,…).
Hoping they get some better ways of communication though. :slight_smile:
Thanks again, appreciated.

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Hello there I have a guild bank that had all its belongings deleted wiped taken whatever u want to call it. I’ve been playing since march/april of 06 think I created my lil horda pally that year as a bank for my main n alts to store everything. Since bank in those days bank slots n everything were very limited unless u had alt’s that u created a guild for to have a guild bank at ur disposal. So everything got wiped pets couple mounts or maybe more then couple alot of stuff from burning crusade n wrath also for reps n also alot of darkmoon quests. Not to mention mats for every expansion including alot from dragon isles. My pally name is Fourhorseman guild name is Orcs Gone Wild. my pally is the gl and also the only member. I hope blizz the developers or the creative team or tech support or whoever helps ev1 that got hit by this bug out with restoring or compensation for all we have lost. Especially the ones like me who have been playing for year whether since begining n launch or shortly after or within the first few years/expansions. It’s really trully said that after this last expansion this is what has happened n yet it’s being like kept behind closed doors n or trying to be hidden n not dealt with if this is how this is going to go i see y alot of the old timers/vets r not wanting to come back to the game. This is my outlet my release n I want to keep this as it is but if nothings done or said or none of us r given updates or restoration then I don’t know I can keep this as my outlet/release. thank u for ur time.


I too lost everything in my Guild Bank…10 years playing…a lot of work, time, and effort. I have heard maybe no more restoration will happen? anything new on this? I got nothing back at all…terrible that they will not fix this or compensate players for what Blizz deleted!

It has been made clear Blizzard can delete/lose/whatever any of our stuff, and it’s just too bad for us.

Sorry you’re in this sinking boat with us.

I’ve cancelled my sub, and will never buy into another Blizzard product ever again, regardless of how much I have previously enjoyed them, because obviously there is no integrity to our data/collections any more, and our stuff can just disappear at any time, with no satisfactory resolution.


Thanks and yes,…seems they do very little about it.
However, given I live in Australia, and even their OWN online T&C’s reference things “different” for Australia, I’m looking to take this further then the little (to no) communication or support from them.
I’ve given them time to respond to my emails to them with nothing “real” back. So have started to look to take this further.
It may only be “pixels” in game,…but some of it is paid for (In various ways),…and they lost it.
I’ve been reading along with the almost 4500 posts on the other forum post,…and also check back in this one.
The complete lack of “support” and “real communication” in all of those is just shocking. I would never dream of treating a 20 year customer of mine this way. Communication is key,…and they could do with a revamp in the area unfortunately.

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I have little knowledge of the business differences between AU and US, but I sincerely hope you have a path of recourse, and can put the screws to these greedy fatcats as hard as possible.

They really need to be held accountable, if not for the actual losses, for the abysmal quality of their handling of it and our data.

Time is money, friends, and they have wasted a TON of ours.


Thanks. And yes, I’m not holding my breath given their lack of response to emails and even when the Government department that “oversees” these things contacted them and requested contact nothing happened. So it moved to “stage 2” now. But again,…not holding my breath. But worth a try I guess. It just amazes me also on their lack of accountability and communication. I know we’re probably a small drop in a very large bucket,…but even little drops can make waves! And goodwill goes a long way! :slight_smile:

No change as yet,…(Jan 2025),…but will see what happens before I flag it for a follow up :slight_smile:

And a few days after this,…a call back from the Australian Govt Department…who are again going to follow it up with Blizzard Australia,…where our laws are slightly different. So will see what happens with it now they have it again and a case manager is over seeing it. Not holding my breath…but not letting it go either.

07.02.2027 - Not that I was ever expecting anything to come of this,…but the response pretty much shows what I was expecting really. Nothing.
"Blizzard Australia Pty Ltd has stated “The lost guild bank assets are digital items, and we do not consider those items to hold any monetary real-world value. As such, we would be unable to provide this customer with any refunds in relation to the data that was lost and the items that could not be restored to their account.”

Based on the above response by Blizzard, we will be closing the Complaint."
I guess “goodwill” and “looking after the customer” are terms that mean nothing to Blizzard really. For all the hundreds of people that lost stuff, would have really affected them that much to at least give something in a form of goodwill,…it would have gone a long way. But nope.