Missing Icon in Dual Spec

I have dual spec, and I’m level 60 with my talent points fully filled in. One of my talent specs, that has the point in the 31 talent displays the icon for that tree, but the other spec (which does not use any of the 31 talents) will not display an icon at all. It displays the “empty slot on the bar” background.

Any way we could get it so we can choose the icon for our specs? Or at least make it so that the talent tree with -the most- points is chosen as the icon?

I mean, my shaman has the same thing… but like… in the list of things that matter this might be the lowest imaginable haha.

Making the issue known is what the forums are for.

It’s a hybrid spec. No symbol. This actually reminds me of the OG wow armory.

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Its not an issue though…

Take your 31 point or its not your true spec.

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These particular forums that you’ve posted to, afaik, are to discuss game related things with other players and share our opinions with each other.

I’m sure there are, and I think that’d be a nice to have.

That’s a pretty good point actually. What even is a specialization in Classic? I don’t think “Dual Spec” is a very good feature that was added in later versions of Retail, nor do I think it belongs in Classic, but if it does, then having 31 points as the requisite (or optionally being able to select a symbol/icon for a spec) might make sense.

The level 60 talent trees are pretty straight-forward and allow for some interesting builds, but I don’t think they are necessarily specializations, at least not in the way later iterations of the retail path (starting really with TBC) have pushed them towards. Dual spec does suddenly make more sense in TBC, but it was never a great feature and it has long been replaced in Retail.


" are to discuss game related things with other players and share our opinions with each other."

It’s literally a game related thing and I’m sharing my opinion about it lmaooooo

Cool. That seems to be very inline with what these General Discussion forums are about.

AFAIK, making issues known is what the bug report forums are for.


It’s not a bug. It’s functioning exactly as it’s intended too. It’s not a technical issue either.

So this is in fact the forum for it.

Amazing! It’s great to be sharing our opinions on this topic here. So far, I’ve especially liked Deathsbounty’s opinion, but I also think your idea that selecting an icon is reasonable.


Cause you didnt take a 31 point talent. the game doesnt know which spec you are when youre like 0/30/21

I dont feel like it would be any trouble to do 30>21, what they did was If 31 then.
