Misleading Auction Prices

Sadly its something you should of noticed.

Not anything you can blizzard will do.

Sometimes I accidentally put in the gold where I meant silver then I leave it up in case of people like you

I wonder how often that does workā€¦hmmā€¦

He meant angsty teens having a sad over being irrelevant in fortnight (nite?).

If you bought a stack for 900g, Iā€™d be more concerned about looking like a gold seller.

Not all ridiculous prices are scams.

I am forever running out of bag and bank space. Sometimes I need to clear some bag space FAST (dungeon or raid group wants to go NOW). Iā€™ll throw enchanting mats in the AH at ridiculously high prices because I want to get them back. The AH takes no deposit on them, and if you have stacks the same size, it will auto price them for you.

Itā€™s fast, itā€™s free, and you never have to worry that youā€™ll mistype or misclick your bank altā€™s name, sending it to some random stranger you once ran deadmines with and havenā€™t seen since, simply because you were in a hurry.

But you do have to remember to get them out of your mailbox before the 30 days are up and they expire.

It wasnā€™t a bot. It was me on my lvl 1 bank alt constantly refreshing the last page of the AH.

This is brilliant. 100% will do this.

Soka. It depends on the server. The pricing of items are independent per server.

Attention to detail is a great boon.

Screen was minimized and I was in a hurry, back to dme I guess

If anything the only misleading auction prices are the things like engineering items with charges, where a single item with 5 charges will list the price PER CHARGE not PER ITEM.

Buy a Major Recombobulator listed as 5g? Whoops, you just spent 50g.