Misfits of Mischief - Returning players LFM

Misfits of Mischief is a group of returning players looking to rebuild a home in WoW. We are looking for laid back, fun players who enjoy doing content and getting kills as a team. We are also open to all players who just want a social guild to hangout with in game and enjoy guild planned events.

What we are looking for:

Players with a positive attitude who are willing to help others without judgement. We accept all levels of experience and do not discriminate against new players eager to learn to raid and run keys.

We want to build a raid team that progresses at a non stressful pace but gets kills consistently.

While we are accepting of multiple levels of experience we do expect anyone looking to be a part of the raid team to be willing and able to put in the time and effort into learning their role and come prepared for each encounter.

As of now recruitment is open to all DPS & Heals and possibly 1 offtank.

If you are interested in being part of a team that feels more like a family and want to help create a community that you look forward to logging in to play with we could be the right fit for you.

For more information, questions, concerns, or an invite you can reach out to the following:

Recruitment - Bnet: GiGi#1168 - Discord: scarlet_nightshade
GM - sugartits#1287