Misdirect should be a baseline ability for all hunters; not a talent

Who thought it was a good idea to do this? I kept wondering why like ZERO hunters were helping with MD’s in keys. This should be a base hunter ability for all specs, not a freakin talent.


there are a lot of things that should be baseline

however with MD it doesn’t even do anything for the most popular hunter spec :dracthyr_shrug:

The developers could not come up with any more creative abilities, so they just regave all of the original abilities as talents.

This way they have to choose between playability or survival.

you gotta love that cause of this there was alot of dps classes that had really nice builds with no interupts and such because it was a dps loss. doing to md though was dumb

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Back when they first talked about how this XPACs talents were going to work, I thought to myself, they could do one of two things:

  1. The good way:
    Give you the points to make the spec as effective all around as it is right now (shadowlands), then add some specialization path either/or choices that allow you to focus on specific general areas of main gameplay (ST/AoE/Survivability/etc) and add some interesting real choices IRT utility.

  2. The bad way.
    Take away all your abilities, and only give you enough talent points to get back major gameplay areas plus some of your core abilities, forcing you to choose which iconic abilities you would have to give up, without adding anything really new.

I never suspected there would be a third option on the table over at Blizzard:

  1. The terrible way.
    Take away all your abilities, and limit points and pathing such that you have to make either/or choices between major gameplay areas (ST/AoE/Survivability); then put some iconic abilities in places where the opportunity cost to take them means they might as well not exist anymore. Don’t add anything really new.

just to be clear, i’m not mad @ the BM hunters who dont have MD–I just think an ability that is so useful and doesn’t AFFECT their DPS shouldn’t be locked away in a talent.

No it should not. Not only is this ability vital to Hunter’s survival, but also to groups.

It is needed to redirect threat from enemies. Either those that would attack us or the party MS should never be optional talent for Hunters.

It is a clear indication that Blizzard knows nothing about how to design Hunters.


not sure if you’re agreeing with me or disagreeing. I think every hunter shoudl have MD for keys, but I also understand if taking that talent sacrifices too much of their other ones. Hence why i’m saying, the ability should just be baseline for all hunters instead of a talent that MIGHT not get chosen (as is the case with BM today)

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Agreed on your opinion.

I’ve never seen anyone not use MD until very recently.

Suddenly tons of hunters around spazzing max burst on pull, without MD, then getting upset that they got smacked. Wtf has gotten into people?

Some of the talent builds on Wowhead and Icyviens omit MS for maximize dps. So, it comes to do you want to help the group or help yourself.

Yes because md does nothing for bm since pet damage doesn’t count so why would you take it. If cobra and barbed shot are making you rip aggro either everyone else is afk or something is very wrong.

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not that hunters steal threat…its help gathering scattered mobs or grabbing another pack that is out of range…etc etc.

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ye if its a coordinated group sure but pugging as bm there is really no need to take md

There are worms in Neltharion’s Lair that come up from the ground behind the group. If the tank doesn’t see them then I had them attack me. MD is good for stragglers who spawn out of the tanks reach.

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The hunter talent trees are some of the worst, if not the worst, in the game currently.

Marksman and BM barely get any of the baseline utility they had in previous expansions, and got forbid if you want to try and make a build that is decent at ST or AoE.

Both specs have to choose either entirely ST or AoE, and completely neglect the other with how abysmal and horrendous the spec trees are as well.

Marksman having to spend 2 talent points for Multishot, and then Trickshot is hilarious.

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