Mirror Network - No Broken Mirrors!

Mirror Network - Venthyr

Hello! Happy New Year! I hope you are staying safe!!!

I (and others, I have come to find) are having an issue seeing 'Broken Mirror’s in Revendreth after completing the Tier 3 Mirror Network quests. I have the armor kits in my bag now and completed all of the quests, then I went to all the locations other players have shared for two weeks and none of the mirrors are appearing for repair.

I do not know if this is intentional, but as the Oribos portal for Tier 3 Mirror Network was previously bugged, I wanted to bring this to your attention in case this is also a bug.

Thank you so much.


Can confirm. No mirrors appear for me.


Can confirm; I have gone to all the coords listed and have yet to find a single mirror.

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Having this issue today, jan19. Went to all 6 that I know of and no mirrors were available. I had no problems last week.

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I’m having the same issue. None of the mirrors are showing up for me.

Hey yall there’s a total of 12 possible mirror locations as per wowhead datamining (based on the number of spell IDs that use the Handcrafted Mirror Repair Kit) of which the community has found 11 of 12 (locations posted on Handcrafted Mirror Repair Kit wowhead object page’s comments section), which we’ve been compiling on wowpedia:

In North America (they appear to be at least server region wide, but both Europe and North America have the same mirrors this week as per wowhead comments, and have for the past month at least), the “group 3” mirrors listed above:

  • Halls of Atonement 72.57, 43.65 (in the crypt, past a door on the right side of the bottom room)
  • Caretaker’s Manor77.18, 65.43 (against the wall in the house)
  • Dredhollow 40.31, 77.15

None of the above for this week appear for any of you?

During beta none of the mirrors were appearing also, but that might’ve just been a lack of implementation

I’ve visited all the known mirror locations on US-Wyrmrest Accord and I didn’t spot a single one even after checking near by areas.

Having the same issue. Checked all the recorded mirror locations and no broken mirrors in any of them.

No idea if this is related but I thought I’d mention…when I got the intro quest for repairing mirrors, I immediately bought 3 more repair kits before completing it.

Having the same issue. I have been to all known points for the last 2 days and can’t see any of them :frowning:

Also experiencing this. Have been able to see the mirrors since I unlocked the rank 3 feature for the past couple of weeks but today the mirrors I had yesterday are gone and none of the others on the map can be seen either.

Same. I posted on Wowhead and made a GM tix that I got a generic response to (“You might try checking on Wowhead”). Thanks for that. I have been to all 11 known, restarted, rebooted, reloaded, turned off all addons, and nothing. Two days now.


Baal are you seeing your mirrors on a daily basis? I am asking in chats and I have found more not finding theirs.

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Yessir, and I have had all my mirrors every single day :thinking::face_with_monocle: haven’t gone today specifically but I’ve had them every day

I genuinely have no idea what could be happening with folks with disappearing mirrors but it sounds like a bug?

Which 3 do you have? Are you US?

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Yes US Turalyon is US Eastern server. I have “group 3”

Today on the item comment page above for wowhead, someone from US Oceania mentioned their mirrors this week are instead Group 4.

So the earlier assumption the mirrors are pan-macro-region (ie All US Servers) isn’t correct.

But everyone on the original wowhead thread was saying we all day the same mirrors so far every week. And Raapnaap (the comment OP on wowhead) is Europe.


Standing right here, nothing. took pic but no idea how to upload it and show you.

And you’re what realm/timezone?

Cenarion Circle its PST but I am CST.

Also, this is a weird Q I posted in Wowhead but do you still have a shortcut from downstairs in the Sanctum of Mad to the Shrouded Asylum? I do and I haven’t seen that talked about.

For the heck of it I just checked one of the OC places (55.19, 35.62 downstairs in crypt, left hand door) and nothing was there.

Yeah that shortcut is permanent! (presumably so we can easily get to the venthyr enhancement later once we permanently unlock Shrouded Asylum Anima Conductor)

and I just checked all my mirrors just now and I have “Group 3” 100% everything fine.

I think it’s possible your character is in some sort of bugged phase-state of some kind? I genuinely have no idea. If you’ve checked all the mirror locations and they’re not there, there’s a bug.

Apparently this guy didn’t have any mirrors until 2 weeks after upgrading lol big oof
