Probably because you keep flippantly referring to those marshmallows as
Dark S’’mores and S’moredrassils
Probably because you keep flippantly referring to those marshmallows as
Dark S’’mores and S’moredrassils
Welcome to the Alliance experience.
You know. I made a similar offer of friendship to a few of the Gilneans who were also in attendance. They seemed equally uninterested in my roasted hotdogs.
It’s like everyone’s sense of humor just went up in smoke.
Kaldorei should embrace the primal diet.
I preferred the Primalists back when they were the Twilight Hammer.
There is a part of me that ie entirely onboard with this because it is good writing and should happen.
Other part of me would simply tell the Gilneans to go pound sand because them getting Gilneas back is yet another human capital functionally while the Night Elves still haven’t gotten one back, the gnome one is run by a Junkyard cult and a Exodar update is not visible in the pipeline.
Alliance remains just different flavors of humans starting to become the new Elves in WoW in terms of “We couldn’t think of anything else, here you go.”
Everyone who scoffs at the Alliance being the same shade of human is too scared to acknowledge that every Horde character is also the same shade of human.
I mean honestly I just want more cities in general, even if they’re more like the Bilgewater one in Azshara, just a big location with cool RP spots, not necessarily AH, bank, Portals, etc. Especially keen for a void elf city - purple and gold elf towers would be sick!
But I’ve got to admit the humans are having it good lately. Between Stormwind, Boralus, Dalaran, Gilneas, undead Lordaeron (some may, some may not count that), and Cave Humans, we’ve almost got 7 Kingdoms again xD
So not arguing, but hoping that Teldrassil 2 arrives soon
Yesss. I’d love to see a change to the overworld where there are some new settlements and zone developments. I mean if the peace has really been that good then civilization expansion should be happening in at least the controled zones. Hell, maybe even a new town or two co-opted by Horde and Alliance.
Man, Crossroads! More sprawling and more diverse with Horde and Alliance trade.
I’m a little surprised that, with all the talk about evergreen content, Blizzard isn’t talking about new zones.
Their understanding of how zones can work has honestly come light years and if they want content to be accessible and fun and evergreen, the Cataclysm-era zones are a complete mess.
As someone who has almost entirely RP’d traders in my entire time playing WoW, this x 100.
I was part of an amazing trading guild years ago that would run really in-depth campaigns and naturally crossroads always played an important role. It’s a settlement right up the road from a major seaport and the center point between heading north and heading south on Kalimdor as a whole.
I would LOVE for Crossroads to be built up. It should have been when they revamped the world for Cata.
heck yah! beetlejuice wedding lets go! new raid tier THE FORSAKEN WEDDING
this retaking gilneas plot point should involve Genn dying of old age. No disrespect to the fella but he’s gotta be like 100 and it’d be nice to give his daughter a chance to shine so that I’d stop confusing her with the other Gilnean noble daughter character (Lorna? which one rode a griffon with you that one time?? who are these adventurous dark-haired Gilnean ladies with posh accents and non-unique models?)
I’m glad someone’s bringing up the accents because I am straight up baffled by who is supposed to be from where.
Gilneans are Londoners? Kul Tirans are bad cockney? Why’s Anduin sound like he’s from Utah? Dwarves are Scottish and Scotland is part of the UK, but they’re not Human!
Call the police because we have a lore crime.
Lordaeronians are German but only if they’re Scarlet Crusaders in MoP era remakes specifically and it’s really jarring
Does that mean Alterac is to blame for all wars they got blamed for?
Alterac is fantasy Poland. Got carved up by more powerful neighbours. Needs to merge with the remnants of Stromgarde to form a Commonwealth.
Really though the analogy is weird because Arthas is American, as are most Lordaeronians. Accent lore is a mess in WoW.
I’d say they ae closer to Hungary in that regard.
Alterac literally tried to defect to the Horde during the Second War and Stromgard pulled the Saruman “So you have chosen… Death.” and basically showed up to utterly flatten them for their treachery. Then carved them up and left them a bump on the map.
My most enduring memory of Shadowlands is talking British Naaru
Thank you for bringing that up, too, because why are some characters British when their race isn’t?
Why was Delaryn Summermoon a posh countryside aristocrat and every other Night Elf is a stoner trying not to sound stoned? Why does Sylvanas pronounced “tower” with an accent and no other word?!