<Minor Mutiny> 7/8H Recruiting solid players for TWW S1!

We are looking at recruiting some new members for Season 1 TWW.

We are currently looking for DPS to round out our roster and head into mythic.

We are an adult only guild looking for a solid players. Any decent and friendly people are welcome to join, fun environment.

Laid back atmosphere with lots of keys being done daily.

Our schedule is Tuesday and Thursday, 9pm-12am server time.

If you have any questions feel free to add my battlenet CTHULHU#11418 or Mudkip#11612.

Can also add my discord to message there if easier cthulhudaddy

1 Like

still looking!

Just gonna bump this up ^

to the top?

Updated, to the top ^

bump for AOTC

up we go with this

to the top?

Hey guys, I have a 435 Warlock, i am AOTC. Mostly been raiding this season but looking to get back into M+. Raid times def work for me.
Discord - tini1982
bnet - Tini#1787


Bump for new season.

bump! need a healer too!

Have room for a resto druid?

Have room for Ret Pala and Outlaw Rogue ?

Yeah, feel free to add the discord or bnet

Also bump for update

bnet is Kuera#1518. Thanks

added. 10/char

If your interested in a lock. I am 453 ilvl lock. I know your post doesn’t state for RDPS.

Discord: Greatsten#9096

What’s your id ? I have a bunch of people and not sure who added me :sweat_smile:

Bump to the top

Bumping this up, join in guys, really great guild. just need a few folks