So I think the set looks great! However, I had two minor bits of feedback I wanted to offer. Here is a link for reference:
- The “Pants” version of the legs
I really dig the idea here, but the execution is obviously off. I think the solution is actually quite simple; use the same sort of “texture” that exists on the arms, and apply those to the legs. It would match what’s going on in the chest, and I think would totally clean that all up.
I might include a sort of “tabard” under the belt as well, something that connects to the “belt buckle” instead of floating there awkwardly as you see from the side view. Could also just add a bit of geometry to the belt itself going around your waist.
- The Bracers
This is a super niche thing, but it’s something that’s always kind of irked me going all the way back to Vanilla. The old concept artwork, the sleeves look exactly the same except they don’t have that “ring” going around your forearm. I’m not saying it looks bad, per se, but it does seem kind of random, and distracts slightly from the gloves.
I might suggest keeping the Bracers exactly as they are, however the actual Chest should have its sleeves extend all the way down to your wrist. Effectively, letting you choose whether you want the gold “ring” on your forearms with the bracers, or hiding the bracers to keep your sleeves the same color.
Or at the very least, just have the same coloring as the rest of the “shirt”, being that dark grey color instead of it being that bright gold color.
Again, this is just my own personal feedback, so others may disagree. Overall, great work on the sets! Hopefully this feedback helps in some way.
The judgement pants for the pantsuit are leggings, not pants.
That being said, there’s no way they’re done. They just don’t follow the same theme as the other pantsuits. There’s no adornments like all the other T2 Pantsuits, and the colour scheme is off.
They are 100% incomplete. Still early on in the PTR cycle for this, but I imagine we’ll see it updated sometime over the next few weeks.
I hope they fix the way the robes look on female belves
I hope they fix the eyes on the helm.
They just don’t look right, both the color and the shape
also, even though it’s just an option, pants instead of the robe? 
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(Wanted to include a link to the original concept-art, but apparently you can only include links to Wowhead specifically)
As you can see, there’s no gold “ring” on the sleeves. Again, not bad, just seems kind of a strange choice. Like I said, would be great if the gold accent on the sleeves was tied to the Bracers, but hiding the bracers kept the long sleeves with a more uniform color to the rest.
Also, I notice the “dress” itself seems to have a more bold red and little more intricate detailing. Not the end of the world, but I did notice the “red” parts of the set seem to skew a little more of an orange hue.
I’m not sure why they thought the eyes needed to be a different color and look angry.
I’d go so far as to say they shot past “angry” and into borderline “cartoonish Asian stereotype”
As for the pants, not feeling it. The red is off, the corduroy texture clashes with everything, and they should at least include the waist cape section from the robes.
paladins are really this concerned about having to “don the dress” again eh?
Yes please continue to iterate
this is ugly as hell. the pants are horrible, its not even the same color red as the helm.
literally looked like he put on the first pair of lvl 5 pants off a kobold lol!
secondly, whats with the glowing blue eyes? nothing else in the color scheme is blue…
we really need better gear designers on the team, its so bad. sooo bad.
The funny thing is, I actually think the eyes are closer to the concept-art, though it’s certainly a noticeable difference. I can’t say I have a strong preference either way, as I think both versions look great.
The “pants” are definitely lacking, though. Not gonna lie; I think they look kind of awful. The coloring and texture both feel wrong. Like I said, I would totally keep the texture of the sleeves, which I think would play nicely with showcasing different tabards or more elaborate belts.
And of course, like I said, maybe hiding the bracers would remove the random “gold ring” on the sleeves in favor of a more uniform appearance.
Bumping, because I REALLY hope they fix the pants.
Also, the social media team has been posting comparisons to the original Judgement armor compared to the updated versions, and the colors seem really washed-out in the new armor.
I agree. The eyes should be white or really bright yellow. That kind of blue glow screams DK to me.
The “pants” version also look… just absolutely awful. I get that they probably didn’t want to dedicate much effort there, but they just don’t match anything about the set. Weird texture, wrong color, just kind of a mess.
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I wanna say it’s hard to believe they’d release the pants version like this, but all things considered it’s really not.
Too late to fix at this point, but still kinda shocked. The pants just straight up don’t match. Just kind of surprising.