Miniscule Abomination in a Jar

This items effect doesn’t work at all. I can see it was reported many times in the PTR, and was not addressed at all. Why do you keep this item on the loot table? Pull it off, add some stats to make it a stat stick, or fix the item. Lazily implementing it in its broken state just reminds everyone returning to the game to explore the prepatch why they quit BFA in the first place…

Bad decisions.


For real. Would like for my trinket to actually work.

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Can confirm that this issue is also occurring for me.

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Here to chime in that the trinket doesn’t work. I suspect they copied the code from the old one which doesn’t work for higher levels so it just doesn’t function at all. Hoping it gets fixed, kind of a waste to have a trinket drop that doesn’t even work.

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Same here. Please fix

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Tested for 3 hours, doesn’t work.

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Also not working after testing…

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Confirmed not working. Be sure to submit bug reports so they can get the game to work!

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Same issue. No mote stacks. Please fix

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Just got this item today on my warrior and no stacks are being gained at all.


Same to me.

It doesn’t work for me either on my rogue, paladin, or dk.

What?! Blizzard released content that wasn’t fully tested and left it to the players to find and report it?

Y’all are cray cray! :smiley:


Also received and could not gain any Motes. No extra attacks were generated. The crit is applied to the character sheet.

Looks like this trinket is working now as of version

However, the damage seems incredibly low

How low are we talking? Less than 1% overall damage?

It’s only for 50% weapon damage from one of your weapons so its not gonna be that high to begin with.

The individual hits, yeah, but its more about how often it procs. If it’s proccing like 3-4 times a minute is should be good overall damage.