Minions: 5/8H seeks ilvl 340+ DPS for Tues/Wed 7:45-10pm. We enjoy bad puns and encourage new members to bring a gnome with them for the mandatory obstacle…for…uh…stuff. We have all the usual guild stuff: FB/Discord/Fri alt runs/Sun achievement runs.
Raiders are required to be prepared with pots/flasks/runes. We usually provide feasts and a cauldron, but if you die because you stood in poop, you should have an individually prepared meal. Raiders should also have DBM and GTFO is recommended, and we publish our logs over on WarcraftLogs.
Seriously though with our 14th anniversary nearing we’re one of the oldest continually active guilds, so even if you’re not interested in raiding but want a home for your toon, feel free to do a /who Minions and ask for an officer.