Mining/Herbalism DOA

lol, that’s fair.

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And all that is left is smoking boots lol. Love this so much. If you have a pet, your pet will turn into smoking boots upon your death as well!


they will never do this.

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50g ain’t exactly whats normal though, quite cheap.

First days pricing is usually insane.

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Q2 items are over 100g a pop and Q3 is around 500g a pop depending on which reagent it is.

Not to mention other rare things like Null Stones.


Idk what you’re on about but I love to herb/ore. In fact, I’ve made a good chunk of gold off of it so far. Got my main up to 80 and now I’ve just been flying around collecting herbs and ores. Very peaceful. Glad I have the time to atm.


Paladin bubble says hi!

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Rank 3 bismuth = 140g, rank 3 mycobloom = 80g, rank 3 blessing blossom 115g. The rarest of the gather mats, Null lotus/280g imperfect nullstone 900g.

Seems low to me in comparison to dragonflight week 1 pricing. Especially considering those materials are far rarer now than the rare materials in dragonflight were.

My guess is the EA community is just much smaller than the normal release community will be.


Well yes, as I think someone else pointed out in this thread roughly 25% of players have the Epic Edition purchased.


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While the mats will become fairly cheap on the AH at some point later during the expansion, it won’t be for a bit yet.
So I do not mind herb/mining/skinning away.

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I think the point is that they are cheap RIGHT NOW and have been since day 1.

Cheap is when a mat is under 10g a pop.

They aren’t cheap right now. You can make alot of gold right now mining/herbing when you use the Phial of Truesight (about 150g) so you can see camouflaged nodes.

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It depends on how much you value your time. It depends what else that you could be doing with that time that might make more gold. Even free still costs time.

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I always go hard mining/herbalism in the first week. Usually make a couple million gold and its enough to last me the entire expansion. Hell, it’s the only reason I bought early access. I think I would have been better off using that $40 dollars on wow tokens with how abysmal the market is, lol.

Yes it is.

I hope this is true because the game still feels so dead.

I think this is the main reason why the prices dropped so fast. Once the rest of the player base joins in on the economy they might go up again in price but who knows.

People should not expect to get rich with just gathering like in past expansions tho. Crafted BoE gear seems like it would be bad too with how many good green BoE items drop with a higher item level.

Mats are crashing because crafting professions are heavily gated by acuity and sparks so everybody is maxing out their gathering professions and dumping it into the AH.

Too much supply, not enough demand.

I have made over 400k gold in the first 3 days so far as a dual miner/herbalist.

Mining and Herbalism is DOA?

Crazy, I would have never known. Looks like im swapping to something else.

I just need mana pots. Lots of them. NOM.

As I told everyone last week, this was entirely predictable: