So I’ve gotten my Mining spec for TWW pretty filled out and I’m not sure where to start putting excess points. I’ve already filled out all of Plethora of Ore and put 60 points in Mining Fundamentals and then went into Mastering the Mysterious and capped it out. My question is where to point the points now? Are any of the sub categories in Mastering the Mysterious worth the investment and if so which ones? I already know the sub categories in Mining Fundamentals for Seams and Rich nodes are the absolute last thing I probably should invest in but I wanted to get some player feedback.
You have no excess points because you still have wheels that you can fill.
Beyond that, I’d fill the 25 points in Rich Deposits then work on whatever special deposit you see or tend to Overload the most often. All in all, it really does not matter where you spend, just pick a wheel and fill it out then move to the next one until all are full.
I plan to fill the seam wheel as the very last wheel, tis a very close to useless wheel as it can get. Elemental nodes Id fill in the order of which one you get most often. That really depends on which zone is your favorite for your gathering sorties.