Mining Pickaxe permenantly displayed

Ever since I equipped the pickaxe to my mining sub-menu as my equipped profession tool, it is CONSTANTLY displayed on my character, overuuling the equipped weapon, sheathing and unsheathing just pulls out the pickaxe. I noted a buff saying i was decked out in mining gear, so I right clicked it, and poof, it was gone. First of all, we need an option to just keep that buff off. I know the profession overhaul is cool and all, but I don’t want my gear replaced by my mining stuff every single time I mine a node until I click off the buff.

But here’s the bug. I don’t know how it happened, but now the axe is just on my character’s hip, not overuuling the weapon display, and I can’t get rid of it. I even unequepped the pickaxe from my profession slot, and it’s STILL THERE. it’s minor, I know, but it’s a visual bug that I dislike.


I can report that the same thing happens with the Herbalism’s shovel.

We need an option to have the profession tools show up only when gathering or harvesting, not all the time.

Same, goes for fishing rods as well.

This is stupid! There I said it.

Is this a bug?? Hmmmm??? Anyone home??? Hopefully it is a bug because otherwise its just… … …

So I figured out I could click out of it via the “buff” icon. But…why is this a thing???


It is so annoying, I was reluctantly dealing with the having to click the buff to make it go away, but Mine is also stuck on my character these days until I take it out of my profession slot, can no longer get rid of it by clicking the buff and it is super annoying.

I have what seems to be the same issue with my Enchanting rod. I noticed after crafting it that my weapon has disappeared and only the rod (vividly glowing, no less) appears. They switched back after combat, so it’s not so bad. Unexpected, though, and I’d rather the rod only show when I’m reasonably engaged in my profession. For gathering, this is going to be an issue!

Mine doesn’t always switch back =\ Someone said ‘it’s a buff and click the buff’ but there is no ‘buff’ there to click…

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Why this keep happening, i can’t remove the shovel from my hand, that’s no skill or buff, it’s just there, why this keep happening, the forum has many reports and nothing change.