Sky golem’s harvesting abilities make it a great mount for herb farmers. Is there a mount you can ride in and farm mining?
No, but you can get that crafted item that allows interaction while mounted. Of course, it only works in BfA (though I think there is a Legion one too).
What item is that. I’m trying to improve my ore farming.
The Sky Golem is great except when it comes to the flying animation. It’s all over the place!
You know what we need? A flying mole machine mount that has this ability!
I’ve been saying we need a mining mount ever since they came up with the Sky Golem.
Or have engineers able to make a piece of equipment that can be added to a sky golem to allow it to mine?
Very popular item, I suspect, if it were to eventuate.
Whatever it is, it better be of Gnomish design. If I see one more Goblin head mount for engineers I’m gonna be pissed.
I wish there was a mount for mining. Aside from the legion and BfA blacksmith items there is another way. My brother and I found this out last week when we played. If you ride on another player’s 2-seater mount and have them carry you around to the nodes you can still mine from the passenger seat. It isn’t your mount so you aren’t dismounted. Of course if the person with the mount isn’t a miner too then you have to give them directions when it pops up on your mini map. Useful if you are leveling an alt with a friend.
Just give me a mining mount like Sky Golem. Thanks.
I am beyond impressed how this thread has 10 replies and nearly 20k views.
Just shows the demand for a mining mount is real! haha
I think this happens when there’s high demand, but not a lot to say.
It’s because people google “WoW mining mount”, get this is a top result, read the thread and go ‘Ok answers my question’
Mount equipment that allows for herbing while mounted, and perhaps another one that allows mining, are what is needed; not another specialty mount.
I’ve got hundreds of mounts, many of which I actually want to use. Being more-or-less forced to use the goblin-battletech mount on my herbalists is pretty meh.
We need a mount or equipment that allows mining AND herbalism … There is no use for 2 mounts because my chars are always gatherers (herb and mine) … we need 1 mount to do it all…
On a mildly related note, wouldn’t a flying mount be great for fishing? Wouldn’t have to worry about random mobs spawning and bumping into you or having to crowd a small stretch of shoreline where Blizz has set a daily quest.
Of course, on that note, it would be even better if they brought back fishing dynamite and just made rod and reel style fishing optional.
Boggles the Mind how they can make 2 Sky golem mounts for Herbalism but somehow can’t modify the blade on its arm into a hammer or pick to then eb utilized with Mining. Like did that thought not cross there minds when creating the sky golem? Why limit it to one of the Gathering Profession’s Should be able to Mine Herb Skin Loot all from the Same mount. Druids have 0 issues with Mining and Herbing to a degree. With the advent of Dragon Riding and Profession bonuses which allow us to do both currently it still does nothing to fix the fact that every other expansion is limited to just Herbalism.
Might want to rethink this past decision Blizzard and Give Engineers and or Blacksmiths a way to craft a Mount over the same sort of time Period 30 days etc make them BoP or BoE I honestly don’t care even put them up as a work order in the coming Expansion if you keep this new crafting system. Anything is better than what we Miners currently have and quite frankly deserve by now. Chop Chop