Minimap yellow arrow to quest objective is gone

Any Idea how I can get that back or was it part of an addon I nor longer use since the UI is customizable now?

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/console minimapTrackingShowAll 1

Then enable QuestPOIs in the tracking. If that doesnā€™t do it, try this:

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("questPOI",1)
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Those are enabled doesnā€™t work. The yellow arrow will show for ? but not for the circles on the map.

Are you referring to the arrow that appears in the middle of your screen, like the HUD, or are you referring to one that appears on the minimap itself?

Minimap. Here is imgur of it when a yellow ? is selected on map, but disappears if you select quest that isnā€™t completed yet.

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Iā€™ve tried a bunch of CVars but havenā€™t been able to turn my arrow off, even throwing reloaduis into the mix.

You could try /console cvar_default but it will reset ALL your CVars to default and I canā€™t guarantee itā€™ll even fix the problem.

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Itā€™s all good, ty for trying. Guess itā€™s just me.

Someone pointed me in the right direction today: Interface > In Game Navigation
Or the CVar is showInGameNavigation

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Iā€™ve had this disappear on me a few times. Hereā€™s what I did to fix it.

  • Make a copy of WTF/
  • Run this command in-game: /console cvar_default and exit the game.
  • Restore WTF/ to the copy you made earlier to get the majority of your settings back.
  • Open the game and turn back on auto-loot and change your camera follow setting back to what it was. Those are the two settings I noticed getting cleared, anyway.
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I had this problem and tried all of the solutions here but none worked. I found out it was the addon ā€˜AutoTurnInā€™. Got rid of it and restarted my game and it was back to normal.

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It randomly vanished on me today on all toons. I followed that path, UNchecked In Game Navigation (to turn off), logged out to make sure it set and saved the variable. Logged back in, the setting remained unchecked, yet the arrow was back. >.< Weird, but at least itā€™s back. So I checked the box again to test if it was backward, logged out and back in: still on, as it should be.

Just toggling the box seems to have reset something. Odd bug. But Iā€™m well known in my guild for experiencing all the weirdest bugs.

i had the same issue and all i did was restart wow and it came back. i dont know the actual reason why it disappear too.

Been having this same issue for a couple weeks. Tried everything: unchecking and rechecking the tracking option in Interface settings, removed addons (all I had was Master Plan though), full UI reset, everything.

Every now and then, one of my characters will temporarily have quest arrows back. But most of the time, nothing. Especially weird is that the silver arrows for treasures and whatnot still appear, just not ones for quests.

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Plunderstormā€™s been messing with a bunch of CVars.


I went to this and just toggled it off and on and that fixed it.

And yes, Iā€™m pretty sure it was Plunderstorm that screwed things up. All Iā€™m doing in WoW right now is running alts to the duck boss, and playing one or two PS per day. Yesterday all my alts had quest arrows back to Goldshire, and today they didnā€™t until I did the fix.