Mini Tyrael

So i’m trying to get the mini Tyrael companion pet.

But my code doesn’t seem to be working :frowning:


It’s actually “pretty please with sugar on top”

It says “Please enter code”. You gotta type in “code”.


DEFINITELY one pet that should come back in some form. At least BMAH… it was far too limited a release for such a cool item.

And especially since they closed the only known loophole to get the few that were in existence in the first place. Now they just lay there on closed accounts. :frowning:

well for the low price of $1750 it can be yours. I had to look that pet up on a website since it doesn’t show in game

I wouldn’t trust that as far as I could throw it.

Nevermind the fact I’m not spending $10 on a FAKE, digital item, let alone almost $2000. lol

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“Speak, friend, and enter.” :smile:


People with MT don’t exist anymore?

It’s pretty easy. All you need is $2000.