Mind Flay Insanity Weird in PVP

Does anyone else have a problem with mind flay insanity acting oddly in PVP? It seems to be when I have a ton of haste buffs all at once, the spell casts in about half a second but doesn’t actually do any damage and is just wasted.

It’s not the same as when a target is immune (which seems like every other class half the time nowadays), it happens on even classes like druids and warlocks where that shouldn’t ever happen.

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I have noticed this. I just assumed people were interrupting it and didn’t bother to look at logs or anything. In general it does seem to flake out sometimes for no obvious reason. I am using a macro to avoid double casting it, but perhaps that is not working and its registering the press twice?

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Experienced this a number of times in pve as well. Figured it was just something related to a magic immunity or something. Curious if it’s related to movement reduction suppression or something.

The macro is not working because the issue is bypassing the macro restraint?

Or is your macro not properly set up?

Not sure what your suing but I would guess using a [nochanneling] conditional would be the best route for this macro.

/Cast [nochanneling]Mind Flay

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The mindflay nochannel macro can create issues as well and is also generally a dps loss if you’re playing with ping above 30~ as it causes gaps.

I’ve not used the nochannel macro in probably a decade plus, but if I get the chance to play this evening, I’ll see if I can recreate it

I haven’t used it either for long time. I think I made it for Shadowlands and put Mind Blast in it to be active when you are channeling.

I did the same thing with Mind Sear and The Nightmare spell you use to apply SW:P only if you are channeling Mind Sear.

I forgot the name of that spell lol :joy:

After more experimenting I can say that this only happens in Ashran and it’s definitely a bug. The only classes Mind Flay: Insanity works correctly on 100% of the time in Ashran is Priest / Mage / Warlock as far as I can tell.

Pretty annoying to try and play around the bug, I hope they find it and fix it eventually. And I suppose it’s also bad luck for mages, priests and warlocks on the other team lol

I’ve had this issue with Divine Hymn. I’ll throw down sanctify for immunity to kicks and cast Hymn. Half the time it randomly cancel casts. It’s not from a stun, knockback or me moving character.