I hope they give this spell a buff because using mind flay now just feels awful with the lack of damage and how slow insanity generation feels when channeling it. I have always like this spell and it feels like such a shame for the spell to only have use when mind flay insanity procs.
When you say “now” how far back are you thinking because it’s been this way for awhile
He’s probably talking like AQ, maybe a little Naxx. It felt very strong through parts of Karazhan too.
Well, Mind Flay doesn’t have to be strong in and of itself, but it does seem like it doesn’t move health bars at all, even in open world content. Meanwhile, Mind Flay: Insanity is very strong and just eradicates mobs as Archon.
i will say that currently any time i’m casting base flay no procs it feels AWFUL now, this doesn’t happen super frequently but those occasions where the rotation lapses for a few moments genuinely go from riding a high to crashing and burning
I’m sure once we have more haste this could change too
Mind Flay is a dead spell. Waste of a GCD even as a filler. Insanity is the only reason its on the bar at all. – You’re better off reapplying your dots than cast it.
Look at the damage it deals. Casting flay is the same as casting mind blast except mind blast generates a bit more insanity.
Eh. My raw flays tick for like 62,000, my raw MB hits for like 230,000. So four ticks of Mindflay per Mindblast damage, yet Mindblast casts faster than 4 ticks of flay, and is often instant cast.
I disagree.