Mind Blast and Mind Sear Gone for Holy

That i agree with. I liked Holy in the chakra bind heal reset renew era , but right now wackamole healing is boring

I’m not defending the holy changes because I think they are tripping up. But isn’t that what they’ve wanted holy to be? A more straight forward “classic” healer?

Classic shouldn’t mean boring. Personally I liked the chakra system. But I always thought of priest as the quintessential healer. So it would make sense that they’re style would be more straight forward. Unfortunately that seems to be coming through as tools being taken rather than just having a more simplistic kit. Simple doesn’t mean weak, it doesn’t mean barren. It just means straightforward. It seems blizz is missing that fact.

How many times does the community riff on Specs like Havoc for being ‘2 buttons’ rotations and “brain dead”.

Yet every time individuals try to bring about unrest and dissatisfaction over it, people start defending it as if simply because that was Blizzard goal makes it a good idea.

Having a “simple and basic” spec should not mean the spec’s entirety should be that. We have many specs in the game who have a simple route via talents [taking primarily passives and procs] and the other talents change the focus of the base kit of said spec, adding variance and options.

Why can’t Blizzard do that with Holy. And why can’t people stop being hypocrites; mocking Blizzard only to turn around and defend it for the vary same thing they mock them.

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Having 10 dps buttons as a healer isn’t fun. Holy can’t do good dps anyway most I see them do is like 10k. Resto druids outdps all the other healers. They can pull crazy dps on trash packs in m+ going cat form.

So the solutions to Holy Priests DPS being lacking, is to prune DPS abilities and ignore the problem?

Dare I say,
[1] Holy Fire, [2] SW: P, [3] SW: D, [4] Mind Sear, [5] Mind Blast, [6] …Holy Nova?, [7] Halo/Divine Star (Talent), [8] Smite. Close to 10, but 10 it is not.

Having that loadout, would give Blizzard ample opportunity to correct Holy’s DPS deficiency. Not only that, but could give even more opportunity to adjust the options holy has to Heal.

I’m not proposing this as an idea, merely giving an example.
The instant proc Flash Heal talent “Surge of Light” could be changed to proc a stack that gives you the instant Flash Heal when proc’d off heals, or a stack that proc’s off Holy Fire DoT/ SW:P DoT empowering Holy Fire to behave similar to Druids Sun Fire and apply to enemies in a small area surrounding the primary target. [Both procs rolled into the one talent]

Restricting the number of spells available, indirectly limits the options to derive synergies within the base kit.

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It is fun for me! I like using the correct dps spell for each situation.

And since disc can have both HN and MS, why can’t holy?

Restoring Mind Sear will make us both happy. I can use it, and you can continue to not use it.

Fun detected

Fun removed

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So having 10 dps buttons as a Healer isn’t fun… but it is for a Druid Healer because they do more damage than other healers? And it’s also nowhere close to 10, it’s almost half that.

Our Good DPS Spells
  • [1] SW: P - Instant cast dot, it’s just a straight up good pure dps spell
  • [2] Mind Blast - Decent damage dps nuke, Shadow School, modest CD.
  • [X] Mind Sear - Ranged and decent aoe damage… oh wait, this isn’t one of our spells anymore… but is still a class spell, because that makes sense…
  • [X] Divine Star/Halo - Not dps spells. Healing spells that do passive DPS, and they are optional.
Our Bad DPS Spells
  • [3] SW: D - Long CD, good dps but self-damage undercuts this completely.
  • [4] Smite - Very weak and has a cast time, the same School as our heals so it can cause healing lockouts, no longer has Holy Fire interaction.
  • [5] Holy Fire - Single target, long cast time, long CD, good damage but no more smite interaction.
  • [6] Holy Nova - ummm, doesn’t a dps spell need to do dps? Heck, we’ll count the spell no one ever seriously casts.

So your “10” dps spells is actually 5-6, depending on if you count Holy Nova (I personally don’t in its current state)

So, No, nowhere close to 10, it’s 5 or 6.

Also, please note that Watermasta is basically coming in to troll the Priest forums. Playing a un-leveled Mage on an alt account and has only ever posted in the Priest Forums. Probably already banned once on here, so take anything they post with a grain of salt, it’s probably meant to be inflammatory.

How is Mind Blast good but Holy Fire bad?. Holy Fire has lower cooldown, same cast time, lower mana cost, does more damage up front and leaves a DOT. The only advantage of Mind Blast is being Shadow school.

Not arguing that the DPS “rotation” for Holy is interesting, it’s not, and I agree the DPS kit is not robust enough to compete with meta specs but lets also be objective in our analysis of individual spells.

For Mind Sear vs Holy Nova the difference is not so big to put it like 5 spots above. Doing quick math it seems to do about 5% more DPS than Holy Nova which is not much (and Holy Nova does some healing too).

They are mostly different in the sense that one has long range while the other is for melee range but usable on the move, which one is better is mostly situational. I disagree with removing Mind Sear from Holy because of those differences, ideally we can choose the best one for the situation (and Disc has them both) but one is not objectively better than the other, they are pretty even.

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“How is Mind Blast good but Holy Fire bad?”
Would you rather have a fork, or a fork & a knife?

Also, no one is saying Holy Fire is bad. It could be better.

As for the differences between between Holy Nova and Mind Sear.
Holy Nova is a melee range AoE, holy class, DPS/Healing hybrid spell.
Mind Sear is a ranged cast, AoE, shadow class, DPS spell.

They’re simply put, two completely different spells with different functions, different spell classes, and only share the aspect that they ‘deal damage’. If that’s the only thing you compare, then of course you’re going to struggle why either or are important.

Mind Blast’s spell school is Shadow. If you get kicked/ interrupted casting Mind Blast you can still Heal, if you get kicked/interrupted casting Holy Fire you can’t cast a single Heal for 5 seconds. Pretty big deal in PvP and PvE.

Same thing for Mind Sear, you can bait kicks with it. For the last 4 years getting Kicked is basically a stun.

The guy above me did. (I was respodning to his extremely biased “ranking” for spells that are good/bad).

Yeah, that’s basically the same thing I said.

My disagreement is with the person who ranked Mind Sear as a “good” spell but Holy Nova as a bad one, they are different and we should have both, but one is not noticeable stronger than the other.

Not a big deal at all in PvE, pretty negligible in fact. It is more relevant in PvP that I agree.

Still, the ONLY reason there’s even a possible argument for Mind Blast is based on context (the spell school being shadow vs heals being Holy). Outside of that specific thing that is only even remotely relevant in one area of the game (PvP) Holy Fire is objectively the better spell (suggestion for the devs: Make Holy Fire to be fire school rather than Holy school).


I feel the need to re-iterate that I’m not defending the removal or Mind Blast or Mind Sear, I am against the removal. But we need to be objective. Ranking DPS spells as “bad” just because they belong to Holy without actually looking at it objectively is not what will help our cause.

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The damage gap on Holy Nova vs Mind Sear is a lot bigger on the PTR after I just checked.

  • PTR Holy Nova is 167 damage (does additional 50% damage when you hit 3 or more targets).
  • PTR Mind Sear is 1,215 damage over 4 seconds.

Mind Sear will do about 20% more damage in the same amount of time if you’re hitting 3+ targets and you can do it from a safe distance.

  • Holy Fire is 1,392 direct damage and 625 over 7 seconds. 10 second cooldown.
  • Chastise does 1,044 damage.
  • Holy Smite is 654 damage. Disc Smite is 469 damage.
  • Penance is 1,113 over 2 seconds.
  • Mind Blast is 2,227 damage on a 13 second cooldown.
  • SWP is 1,215 damage over 16 seconds.

Did you factor in Holy Nova having a reduced GCD?. That’s what’s puts it almost even. Should get 4.5 casts of Holy Nova in 1 Mind Sear duration so assuming you hit 3 targets that is: 167*1.5*4.5* = 1127.25 damage in the same 4s window (plus some small amount of healing).

Yes I agree there’s a difference one can be cast from a safe distance but the other one can be used on the move, both are useful, one is not noticeable stronger than the other.

**Now if the argument is spamming Holy Nova is going to break your keyboard then sure :laughing:

Holy Nova doesn’t have a reduced GCD anymore. Last I heard anyway.

Edit: More specifically, the Holy Nova reduced GCD was removed, and inplace they ‘buffed’ the base damage. The buff was a counterbalance.

That’s the problem. I have it bound to an awkward key placement which involves holding down ctrl and if I hit something like s or another key it’ll turn my audio off. Even shut my UI off by accident before.

Also, I am not noticing a reduced GCD on the PTR.

Oh I didn’t know they removed it, seems like Holy Nova needs a small buff then.

I still stand by my point, they have different uses, we should have them both but can’t call Mind Sear “good” and Holy Nova “bad”.**

** Otherwise they might bring Mind Sear back and then remove Holy Nova (since we are saying it’s bad), similar for Holy Fire.

It really comes down to the encounter designs. Retail has dungeons with big pulls and it’s not uncommon to be fighting 5+ things at a time. If packs are smaller, but balanced with bigger HP pools then AOEing stuff becomes less relevant.

It’s just going to be broke as hell if Disc can just run around mind searing everything and doing crazy healing output to the entire party. That’ll get nerfed fast.

Not true at all, there are a lot of mobs that do AOE interrupts, and DPS missing a kick on them can be devastating. and Quaking is still a thing, though avoidable you’ll still get locked occasionally.

True, the Good / Bad was too general. Holy Fire being Bad was me looking at it objectively, mainly because I love the new Holy Fire. I could have been clearer with my reasoning so here it is:

1 - It a Holy school spell, so in PvP lockouts are a huge concern.
2 - It lost the smite reset so it’s now just a fire and forget, and it stacking to 2 is basically useless now

It isn’t a bad spell, but it’s an awkward fit with our current DPS kit. Having it be Fire spell would be a massive improvement.

And as far as Holy Nova vs Mind Sear…it’s not really up for debate, Mind Sear is better in every way except 1, it heals for 0 and not almost 0. Holy Nova is just pitiful and has been for years. I don’t think it should be removed either, but honestly wouldn’t be torn up if it was, because I can’t think of a single time I’d want to use it over Minds Sear. If they are going to keep it they should make it do something interesting, or have it reduce Holy word CDs by 1 second.

Too late, it was nerfed weeks ago :smiley: . Disc only gets atonement transfer from the first mob hit with Mind Sear, so it heals for far less than a Smite would.

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Can definetely catergorize holy nova as bad and mind sear as good. Holy nova is essentially a melee range spell, a place where a holy priest generally never wants to be in, not only for their safety but because it could create issues for the melee. Mind sear on the other hand can be used from safe range, it’s channeling nature also allows you to switch to healing anytime during the channeling part. In contrast, to maintain holy nova dps, you would need to use many more GCDs, be mindful that the dps is still quite weaker than mind sears even without factoring in the amount of GCDs required to maintain dps.