$$$$ Million dollar idea that'll make WoW great again

It’s simple: “LIKES”

Cheesy as it is, WoW can really benefit from a “like” system.

Right now the Elites and the Casuals are 2 completely separate groups which has nothing to do with each other, maybe even some hostility between the groups.
There is more to WoW than IO, MMR, and WCL rankings!!!
The “LIKES” system will connect the all the WoW players back together.

Why would a high IO player go play in low-tier M+ dungeons?? – He’ll get likes.
Why would a high MMMR pvp player group up with 1400s?? – He’ll get likes.
Rewards: Achievement, mounts, titles, pets, transmogs, etc.
“The most liked player in WoW”, sounds like a pretty fancy title, doesn’t it?

I’m 40 years old now. Been playing WoW for 20 years, and I’ve watched a lot of players come and go.
Whenever I ask someone what their best experience in WoW is, it’s never how much DPS he did, or what IO he got one season… It’s always that random stranger who lends him a helping hand.
So please, implement this system, connect the players, and make WoW great again!!

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