I’m not sure what the summons would be in Elden Ring, I am very interested in this game. It looks really amazing. I just want to see the monsters and art.
I’m not a “souls like” kinda guy…
I’m not sure what the summons would be in Elden Ring, I am very interested in this game. It looks really amazing. I just want to see the monsters and art.
I’m not a “souls like” kinda guy…
It’s pretty good. You usually have an option to summon spirits who can help you and the right ones can make boss fights a bit easier.
I’m not a soulslike guy either and I’ve only got the final boss left.
I may buy it, I’ve been so close so many times, staring at my cart on steam… money is tight right now though… I HATE COVID
I was a Kitana player in the arcades for MK2 and UMK3 but I just thought of a MK style fatality a la Sonya Blade’s Kiss of Death where she burns her opponent by blowing a fireball made by blowing a kiss from MK1 and MK3 to do in WoW thinking about this thread. I’m going to do this as my “FINISH HIM!” at someone with low health whenever I go back to PvP for style points.
/cast Dragon’s Breath
/emote kiss
/cast Pyroblast
I like this a lot lol.
Lilian was pretty active in the Horde BfA stuff.
Kitana the best.
Mileena is awake be carful
my favorite mk11 story was that the fanbase RIOTED because Mileena wasnt in it so the devs worked on her DLC with the most tender love and care or else they would see guillotines being built outside their offices
its even referenced in one of her intros
Mileena: A koin for your thoughts, Erron?
Erron Black: Just trying to reckon why the hell you’re back.
Mileena: A million souls cried out for my return.
I had fun with trilogy, except for a couple things. MK2 was the better game, despite the character count because things like RUN and Kombos were, imo, not that great in the MK3 engine. Also as one who played it on the PS1 we had loading times every time Tsang Tsung would shapeshift.
She’s how I imagine most undead ladies, especially ones covering up their mouth!
Before the reamp my favorite undead female face was the big grinning skelly one.
Queen Azshara is like that in a way.