Mileena Mortal Kombat

I just had a random thought.

We need someone like the best character in the Mortal Kombat series… Mileena. Evil, deadly, beautiful, but conceals the ugliness under a mask.

When mk11 came out I hated it. Then they released the best version of mileena as DLC. I wish Sylvanas was like her… Why don’t we have someone so bad to the bone?

I would post videos of her combat in MK11 but I would get banned. It’s lovely.

EDIT: oil not blood, it’s a robot :slight_smile:
EDIT: Does Lilian Voss the same voice actor for Mileena? They sound so similar.


Shademaster Kiryn, she surprises a Hozen suitor when offering up a kiss


I loved her, I also really liked the girl from the Scarlet Crusade, Lilian Voss She was so awesome… did she die in the story?

You misspelled D’Vorah


Oh honey, that flea is worthless. Isn’t she dead?

No but she spoiler alert:

killed Mileena :smiling_imp:

Imagine not playing Kitana. She is so damn sexy.

I haven’t played her in over a decade. I used to beat my husband all the time on her and he got so mad.

which one, there are hundreds of her?
How do you hide spoilers?

PS ty Furr.

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Not sure, but it was one of the reasons why a lot of people hated her. But I love how unhinged she is and I like Mileena as well!

You can do it by:
<details> Stuff you want hidden </details>


I always thought Mileena was actually Ms Pacman in HD :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You spelled Kitana wrong. Mileena is literally a cheap knockoff

I laughed out loud. Her first version.

Sylvanas IS like her. Both are unstable sociopaths that lust after power, sucking it up wherever they can find it while using others as tools. They destroy any that get in their way. Sylvanas’s Shao Kahn just happened to be The Jailer. They’re not very bright either, and they also have rabid fan-bases. You have your wish, though you may not have realized it. You may have liked Sylvanas more if she wasn’t like Mileena.

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Man it’s been probably over 20 years at least since i touched a mortal kombat game.

You have missed out, I highly recommend. They have been so good the past 3 games, they recapped the corny story and it’s been fantastic.

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You mean Noob Saibot?

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You can watch the storyline on youtube! It’s pretty fun. I’m not sure what to recommend first but you can search for " MORTAL KOMBAT 11 Story All Cutscenes"

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Sylvanas is weak compared to Mileena. Similar abilities? absolutely. Mileena is just okay getting close enough for a lick, not far away shooting a bow.

Mileena would chomp her way through Sylvanas’s neck.

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Sylvanas was holding her own against a Night Warrior-powered Tyrande, easily dispatched Saurfang in melee (which I call BS on but that’s what we were given), and was snagging bodies left and right during The Battle of The Undercity all up close-like with her banshee shenanigans. Gave the player characters a really hard time too. She’s not weak compared to Mileena. I’d say she’s a few steps more powerful. Mileena lost to a few tough kombatants. Took a whole raid to handle Sylvanas.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t like Mileena or that Mileena is bad, I’m just pointing out similarities and saying they’re more alike than you seemed to have thought.

Can we at least get an MK-inspired character select?

I figured this is the best chance I have to re-post these :rofl:.