Mike Ybarra will make WOW great again

Have you ever played any of the classic servers?

Boosting is here to stay regardless of any systems or lack of systems in the game.

So thankful I play classic now. We have our own share of problems in classic but I don’t have to worry about grinding systems and having progress stripped away every patch instead of every expansion.

Saying that he is a savior for removing a system while adding another system to grind in 9.2 is kinda silly. But I was in that thought process too with WoW. It’s a vicious cycle. The current dev team doesn’t have what it takes to really fix retail. It’s ran it’s course. Enjoy 9.2… I guess, looks great? Lol…/s

Now if they could not monetize WotLK classic or do something like add tokens it would be great. But I see that happening.

idk…I have feeling 10.1 will be far worse than SL.

Doesn’t matter if they are or not, Mike isn’t involved in the development philosophy of the game. You have a very skewed impression of what the president of a company actually does.

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He has said he supports Ion and thinks he doing a great job. If you think that means he doesn’t support Ion, I don’t know what to say in response.

Interesting how Mike inherited the title of “President” after Jen quit because they were paying her less, eh? Well-run company there.

I never said anything about him supporting Ion or not…I said he doesn’t make design, direction, or development decisions for wow, making this entire thread moot.

Let’s face it, the whole “co-lead” thing was always going to be only pandering and never amount to anything worthwhile.

I don’t know of any “well-run companies” that are “co-lead”.

it’s GD, people here think every blizzard employee personally writes code and quest text and designs armor and adjusts damage multipliers on spells

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The discussion revolves around boosting in general which makes it relevant, if you like it or not. And Square Enix dealt with it within a short time frame after the WoW-people came over which tells you everything about the conditioned situation we are in.

With what people laments here - and that the CEO revels in such a mechanic - it is a red flag for the future of the game.

Not the sub-thread I was having and that you interjected in.

Don’t double down when you’re wrong.

Yes, the class sets would be used more often for the next patch, but if a person finds a use for the old shards then people would want them especially if they didn’t play patch 9.1. If this wasn’t deactivated, you sure no one is going to say try out 2 to 4 piece class sets plus a shard that increases damage by 3% after not attacking an enemy first (like for large aoe pulls)?

Though I as someone who never RNG’d into any good domination sockets I’ll be glad to see them go, I am very skeptical of anyone making anything “great again.” He may make it better, but even that’s a stretch he may just keep the status quo. I haven’t researched which systems are incoming, they could be as bad or worse than domination sockets.